
TitleAttested copy release (settlement) between John Duke of Rutland, John Manners, Marquis of Granby (1) Henry Arthur Herbert, William Hewitt (2) John Duke of Bedford, William Duke of Devonshire, Honourable Richard Arundell, Honourable William Leveson Gower (3) and John Lord Gower, John Viscount Galway, Right Honourable Henry Pelham, Right Honourable Charles Cavendish (commonly called Lord George Cavendish) (4)
Date16 Apr 1808
DescriptionOriginal dated 24 June 1743.
Relates to:
1. Manors of Ravensthorpe Boltby Thurlby, Bransdale, Snailsworth and Skiplane, mansion house called Billsdale Hall, rectory of Helmsley, all other manors and freehold estates of John duke of Rutland and John Marquis of Granby in Bransdale Snailsworth Skiplome Bilsdale Helmsley Filliskirke Rivalx and Scalton, (Yorkshire);

2. Honour and Castle of Belvoir, manors of Belvoir and Belvoir Forren (Counties of Lincoln and Leicester), site of the Priory of Belvoir, park of Belvoir, coney warren in Belvoir, manors of Conerby and Knipton, manors of Ropesley Woollesthorpe alias Woollestrop and Melton Ross, manor capital messuage and commandry of New Eagle, rectories of Long Bennington and Foston, advowsons of Ropesley and Woollesthorpe, Belvoir Warren in Woollesthorpe, lands of John Duke of Rutland in Casthorpe and Stennith alias Stenwith in the parish of Barrowby and in Denton, all other manors and freehold estates of John Duke of Rutland and John Marquis of Granby in Belvoir alias Belvoir Forren (and other places listed as above) Wootten Kagle Harlaxton Osgarthby Hunby alias Humby Hungarton Coxhill Thornton Kennington Barnaby Rawby and Rigby (Counties of Lincoln and Leicester);

3. Manors of Bottesford Eastrop Saltby Waltham super Woldham alias le Wold Croxton, Croxton Forren Saltby Croxton Croxton-Kerrial Roos Bexaby and Knipton, manors of Barkston alias Barston Plunger alias Plungarth Hose and Long Clawson, manor of Sproxton alias Sproson, capital messuage grange and lands called Sproxton alias Sproson Grange, manors of Braunston and Braunston late Hartopps, manors of Redmill Stratherne Normanton Muston and Ayleston, free chase and warren in Belvoir Woollestrop Bottesford Eastrop Knipton Barkston Plungar Hose Braunston Redmill Stratherne Muston Eastwell Harby and Eaton, site of the Monastery of Croxton, rectories of Saltby-Croxton and Croxton Kerrial, advowsons of Saltby Croxton Kerrial and Sproxton, advowsons of Bottesford Waltham super Woldham alias le Wold South Croxton Knipton and Redmill, rectories and advowsons of Barkston alias Barston and Plungar alias Plungarth and advowson of Hose, rectories of Sproxton alias Sproson and Northmenton alias Normanton, advowsons of Braunston and Ayleston, manor and mansion house of Hubbesthorpe (also given as Lubsthorpe), manor capital messuage and advowson of Knaptoft, manor of Bagworth, lands of John Duke of Rutland in Thornton and Harby, Ringelthorpe alias Inglethorpe Grange late called Goldsmith's Grange and lands in Scalford alias Scalforth and Waltham upon the Wolds, lands in Shankton and Hardwick late parcel of the manor of Harwick, rectory and advowson of Scalforth, tithes, of corn and hay in Scalford Wickham and Cawdwell, advowson of Thorp Arnold and Bretingby, lands of John Duke of Rutland in Eaton South Croxton Melton Mowbray Stonesby and Starston, all other manors and freehold estates of John Duke of Rutland and John Marquis of Granby in Belvoir Belvoir-forren Bottesford (and other places as listed above, except Braunston late Hartopps, Thorpe Arnold and Bretingby) Menston (?Muston as above) Brampton alias Brampston Nuneaton Twiford Clawson Buckminster Sewsterne Wymondham Kirkby Bellers and Wyvell (County of Leicester);

4 Manor rectory and advowson of Pisbrooke, all other freehold estates of John Duke of Rutland and John Marquis of Granby in Pisbrooke and Liddington (County of Rutland);

5. Manor and tithes of Hounsfield alias Homlesfield, manors of Baslow Bubnell Haslebach Cold Eaton Ilkeston and Smerrill, advowson of Ilkeston, manors of Nether Haddon Bakewell alias Bankwell Rowseley Magna Rowsley Parva Darley Middleton Stanton Hill House Hellcar Alport Hartle alias Harthill and Youlgreave, tithes in Nether Haddon Over Haddon Stanton Bakewell Ashford Moinash Sheldon Taddington Priestcliffe Rowseley Magna Rowseley Parva and Darley, lands and tenements called Burton Moore and Ditchcliffe in the parish of Bakewell, lands of John Duke of Rutland in Aldwarke Stanton Alport Over Haddon Burton Bakewell and Little Hallam, manor of Whitwell, all other manors and freehold estates of John Duke of Rutland and John Marquis of Granby in Hounsfield alias Holmesfield (and other places as listed above) Fairfield Corbar Froggatt (? Cotmanhay or Colmanhay) and Beeley (County of Derby and Town and County of the Town of Derby);

6. Manors of Granby and Sutton, lands of John Duke of Rutland in Greasley and Kimberley, rectory of Greenley, manor of Knapthorpe, all other manors and freehold estates of John Duke of Rutland and John Marquis of Granby in Granby (and other places listed as above) and Caunton alias Canton (Nottinghamshire and Town and County of the Town of Nottingham);

7. Manors of Pillerton alias Pillardington Over Pillarton Nether Pillarton and Nallands Pillarton, rectories of Over Pillarton and Nether Pillarton, all other manors and freehold estates of John duke of Rutland and John Marquis of Granby in Pillarton (as above) (Warwickshire).
NA604/Pillerton Hersey/Warwickshire
NA605/Pillerton Priors/Warwickshire
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