Description | Contains the following images relating to products manufactured at Trafford Park (before IMSTD moved to Rugby):
CN753-754; Kipevu on test (CN1101); CN1155; Sectional arrangement (CN1215); CN1253; CN1305-1306; Honam Ethylene (CN1310-1312); Duhva BFPT (CN1313, CN1479-1480); IMSTD blades (including CN1357); NCB Grimethorpe (CN1370, CN1389/8 & 10); Monsanto (CN1440); Sectional arrangement (CN1523); Rotor blade and drawings (CN1635/9); Unit sectional arrangement (CN1799); CN1784-1785; CN1787/1 & 7; CN1832; Sectional arrangements (CN1840, CN2873); CN2182; CN2379/5; Sectional arrangement (CN2431), IMSTD steam turbine sectional arrangement (R1584/88); CN2436/2A & 4); Dual pressure steam turbine control block diagram (CN2439); Diagram of SHP model (R1208/81); Diagram of IMSTD standard range (R1543/88); Diagram of steam turbine plant (CN243); IMSTD machine sectional arrangement (R1544/88); CN2470/10; CN2486/5; CN2491/10; CN2539/24; San Fransisco (CN2573/5 & 10A); CN2574/3 & 8; CN2600/5 & 8; CN2603; General view of General Levalle, San Fransisco and Bangladesh units (view from exhaust side) (CN2604); CN2608/6 & 10; CN2651/5; CN2661/4; Bangladesh (CN2695/1, 4 & 8 plus CN2696/4-5 & 8); CN2697/4; CN 2701/7; CN2707/6; General Levalle steam chest and control valve enclosure (CN2708/2); CN2712; BP 18 pattern build diagram (CN2783); GEC order no. IMST 10001 station oil purification and regenrative oil system final inspection stage and pipework (1986); Sectional arrangement of Balco/Dhekelia unit (R128/86); Machining Balco exhaust frame (85101103 & 85101401) [1985?]; Unknown rotor (86020303/1 & 3) [1986?]; San Fransisco side elevation with Bangladesh top half casing in background. |