Description | File indexed alphabetically showing manufacturing and production. Includes images for the following contracts and products - image reference numbers given if available:
Argentina (including CN2714/10); Ashuganj; Balco (including R144/86, R146/86, R1112/85, R131/88, R130 - R136/88, R138 - R139/88); Barbados (CN1522); Black Point; Brigg (including R301/93, R569/94); Bukit Asam; Castle Peak A & B (R34/87); Combined cycle; Compair (CN1370); Compressor drives; Congo; Conoco (CN1177); Coventry; Damiette; Daya Bay (Guangdong); Doel Tihange; Doncaster (including CN1173); Dreux; Duhva BFPT (CN1255, CN1479); Gem 80 (control system); Gonfraville; Grant Town; GTA Turbo Alternators Group; Isle of Grain (CN1303); Las Palmas; Lethabo (South Africa); Lub oil module; Lummus (Honam Ethylene) (CN1252-1254); Manufacturing facilities; Merida (CN534); Monsanto (Seal Sands) (CN1139, CN1141, CN1155); Montana; Mossel Bay; Mount Posa; Nantes; Nipigon; Port Talbot 6 & 7 (including R417-419/87, R548/87); Port Talbot 9; Publicity material; Rayong (Vega); Sellafield (R443/92); Shantou; Shell Star (CN1047); Sultzer (CN1784-1785); TM machines; Unilever (CN1361); Uvrier (Switzerland); Vega 9F; Wansborough Paper Mill (CN603); Wilton ICI (CN753-754, CN1304); Zhuhai.
This file has been split into two (A-I and J-Z) |