
TitleMortgage [lease and release] of lands in Twycross Way field, Red Meadow and lands in the common fields of Austrey
Date29 Apr 1790-30 Apr 1790
DescriptionBetween John Grimley of Austrey, yeoman and Richard Weaver of Atterton, Leics, gentleman. John Grimley mortgaged to Richard Weaver [mortgagee] a close of arable land, inclosed, in a field in Austrey called Twycross Way Field, containing 3 acres [abuttals given]; four ridges of land in the same field (Twycross Way) abutting onto the close on the east side [further abuttals given]; three short lands lying at the bottom of the four lands, with the road lying on the west side; a meadow called Red Meadow, in Austrey, containing 2 acres 3 roods [abuttals given]; and several ridges of land, ley and grass ground in the common fields of Austrey, being four ridges of arable land in a field called Brookfield, beneath Crisp's land [abuttals given], a ridge of land in the same field in Shepherds Gore Flatt [abuttals given], and two other ridges of land in the same field the Hadas belonging to it [abuttals given; four ridges of land in another field in Austrey called Middlefield [abuttals given]; a ridge of land in the same field, lying on Furbrook Hill [abuttals given]; a ridge of land in the same field on the Flatt Land [abuttals given]; two ridges of land in the same field on Hither Brook Hill Flatt [abuttals given]; a ridge of land in the same field abutting onto Shan Hill Hedge [abuttals given]; two thorough shooters below Orton Way in a field called Orton Way Field, on the flat side next to Orton on the Hill; a land in the same field on Shanhill Flatts [abuttals given]; a thorough shooter in the same field on Furbrook Hill Flatt, shooting from Hither Brook to Furbrook, three landds in length; a little close of meadow or pasture ground in Brookfield, next to the first four lands called the Teanes Pikes, containing 1 acre 1 rood 5 perches [abuttals given]; 3 roods of meadow in a meadow called New Meadow, adjoining Red Meadow; all of which were occupied by John Wright, then King Clarke the elder, then William Grimley, William Fisher senior, William Fisher junior, John Hincks, Harry Leas and John Moore, and now by John Grimley.
Consideration: £120
Attached: Lease for one year
Enclosed: bond from John Grimley to Richard Weaver for £240, 30 Apr 1790
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