
TitleLease for one year [to vest possession: release missing] of two messuages and two crofts in Newton Regis
Date1 Apr 1813
DescriptionBetween Richard Poultney of Wharton, in the parish of Polesworth, farmer; Elizabeth Poultney of Wharton, widow of Thomas Poultney, late of Wharton, yeoman, deceased; and Thomas Haywood of Newton Regis, labourer. Richard and Elizabeth Poultney convey to Thomas Haywood a messuage in Newton Regis, lately occupied by [...] Bates but now by William Steel; a croft in Newton Regis called Seidar Leys, containing 1 acre, formerly occupied by Elizabeth Woodhams and now by Joe Haywood; a messuage with a garden in Newton Regis, formerly occupied by Elizabeth Woodhams but now by Thomas Haywood; and a croft in Newton Regis adjoining the messuage, containing 1 acre, formerly occupied by Elizabeth Woodhams but now by Thomas Haywood.
Consideration: 5s
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