
TitleAssignment of a mortgage on lands in Austrey belonging to Edward and Elizabeth Slater
Date30 Apr 1832
DescriptionBetween Robert Nevill of the Borough of Tamworth, gentleman; Edward Slater of Austrey, yeoman; Elizabeth his wife; and the Revd. William MacDouall of Copt Hall, in the parish of Luton, Bedfordshire, clerk. In a lease and release of 26-27 May 1826 [see 01526/1/1], lands were mortgaged by Edward Slater and Elizabeth his wife to Richard Nevill [mortgagee] for £430. In the will of Richard Nevill (now deceased), dated 26 Mar 1831, his estate was bequeathed to his nephew, Robert Nevill. There was a further mortgage on the lands, created by an indenture of 15 Aug 1829, which was owed to Thomas Ribble of the parish of Clifton Campville, Staffs, gentleman for securing the £430 owing. The total sum now owing (including interest) was £487 and Robert Nevill called in the loan, however William MacDouall agreed to lend Eward and Elizabeth Slater the sum of £600 and the mortgage was assigned to him. The mortgage was levied upon two closes of land in Austrey, one of which is called Moores Piece and contains 2 1/2 acres, and the other which is called Little Moore Meadow, which contains 1 1/2 acres, which were occupied by William Robotham and were, upon the inclosure of the open and common fields of Austrey, awarded by the Commissioners to William Robotham in lieu of part of his estate in the same fields; a close of arable land in a field in Austrey called Twycross Way Field, containing three acres, with Shuttington glebe land, once occupied by William Fisher and then by William Corbett on the north side, the land formerly belonging to Mrs Moore, then to William Corbett (who also occupies it) on the east side; the other part of Shuttington glebe land, the land formerly belonging to Mary Earp, now to Joseph Earp on the south side and the lands formerly of Richard Weaver, once occupied by [...] Bird and now belonging to Charles Weaver, occupied by Joseph Wilson, other lands formerly of John Grimley, now belonging to Elizabeth Slater, and charity lands formerly occupied by Simon Walker and now by John Wright on the west side; four lands in Twycross Way Field, abutting the previous close on the east side, land formerly occupied by John Wright on the south side, three other lands formerly belonging to Mary Grimley and Elizabeth Grimley, and now belonging to Elizabeth Slater on the west side, a close formerly belonging to Richard Weaver and now belonging to Charles Weaver, in the possession of James Wilson on the north side
Consideration: £600
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