Description | Between Samuel Mallaby of Grnedon, miller; and William Haywood of Newton Regis, otherwise Newton in the Thistles, labourer. In an indenture (lease and release) of 29-30 Jun 1830, Joseph and Selina Foster convey to Samuel Mallaby a messuage with a yard garden in Newton Regis, formerly occupied by John Heap, now of the Overseers of the Poor of Newton, fronting a highway in Newton called Kings Lane, and adjoining the house of [...] Haywood. The object of this conveyance was to secure uses by way of a rent charge, for Samuel Mallaby. William Haywood then contracted with Samuel Mallaby for the purchase of the messuage for £50. In this present indenture, Samuel Mallaby conveys to William Haywood the messuage with a yard garden in Newton Regis, previously occupied by John Heap, late of the Overseers of the Poor of Newton, and then by Samuel Mousley, fronting a highway in Newton called Kings Lane and adjoining the house and premised of Thomas Haywood. Consideration: £50 |