Description | [31 Geo. II] 1. Thomas Burgh of the City of Coventry, Doctor in Physic; and Thomas Viner of Frankton, Warwicks., Clerk (devisees of Elizabeth Palmer, Widow, late of the City of Coventry) 2. Ann Gibbs of Kenilworth, Warwicks., Widow 3. William Cleeve of the City of Coventry, Surgeon and Apothecary and Thomas Little of the City of Coventry, Hat Maker (devisees in trust in the same will) Recites will of Elizabeth Palmer. Messuage with appurtenances in Norton Curleu [Curlieu] otherwise Nether Norton, in the parish of Budbrooke, Warwickshire [detailed]. For the residue of 500 years/1,000 years. Consideration: in pursuance of trust and £200. Rent: peppercorn. Signed, sealed and witnessed with receipt of consideration money. Very worn.
Encloses: /2 - Counterpart of Lease for 9 Years [2 Feb 1770] 1. William Cleeve of the City of Coventry, Apothecary; and Thomas Little of the City of Coventry, Hatter (executors of Elizabeth Palmer, late of the City of Coventry, Widow, deceased) 2. Bernard Gray of the Borough of Warwick, Apothecary Messuage with appurtenances in Norton Curlieu and several closes of pasture and meadow [detailed, with provisions, etc.]. Consideration: rent. Rent: £50 and £5 per acre converted to tillage. Signed, sealed and witnessed.
/3 - Assignment of Mortgage [19 Apr 1766] 1. Ann Gibbs of Kenilworth, Warwicks., Widow 2. William Cleeve of the City of Coventry, Apothecary and Surgeon; and Thomas Little of the City of Coventry, Hat Maker Messuage and closes as per indenture 29 Sep 1757 (recites will of Elizabeth Palmer). For the remainder of term of 500 years in trust. Consideration: £210 and 10s. Signed, sealed and witnessed with receipt of consideration [part of fold cut away].
Encloses: /4 - Lease and Release [17-18 Aug 1698] 1. George Lugg of Barkswell, Warwicks., Gent. and Susanna his wife; Thomas Smith of Knowle, Warwicks., Gent.; and Richard Allesbury of Hatton near Pinley Green, Warwicks., Gent. (cousin and heir of Edmond Allesbury, late of the Borough of Warwick, Grocer, decd) 2. John Palmer of the City of Coventry, Apothecary and Michaell [Michael] Lawrence of Coventry, Iron Monger Messuage with appurtenances in Norton Curlew [Curlieu] otherwise Nether Norton, in the parish of Budbrooke, Warwickshire [as mortgage]. To be held of the chief lord of the fee. Consideration: £822 and 5s. Signed, sealed and witnessed. |