
TitleLease for 1 Year [from Lease and Release]
Date21 Jan 1698
Description[9 Wm III]
1. Thomas Palmer of Leicester, Gent. and Thomas Onely of Bishopps Fer, near Leicester, Innholder (son and heir of Thomas Onely late of Long Lawford, parish of Newbold Upon Avon, Warwicks., Gent., decd) and Susanna his wife
2. Mary Francis of Newbold Upon Avon, Warwicks., Widow
Close of pasture and meadow (known as the Barne Close and Granham Meadow), with appurtenances, in Long Lawford. Consideration: 5s. Rent: peppercorn. Signed, sealed and witnessed.
RelatedMaterialFurther Onely deeds see also CR1071.
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