
Extent1 bundle
TitleBundle of letters [mainly to Mrs Mary Townsend]
DescriptionIncludes: printed copy (softback, pocket size, front cover missing), 'The Shadow of the Cross' by Rev. W. Adams (London, 1863); letter from cousin G.H.W. Bromfield, St Mary's Vicarage, Lambeth, regarding Brierly vault [1 Nov 1887]; postcard from Aimee Leroy, Ivy Corner, Winchester, enclosing printed poem [Christmas 1890]; letter from cousin J. Bucknill, East Cliff House, Bournemouth, with thanks for gift and new year wishes [1 Jan 1891]; letter from Emily W. Bromfield, Caunton, referring to concert, Miss Elsdale's visit, Ellen's prospective visit, her whereabouts, hunting, thoughts in society and reading [9 Feb 1869]; letter to Mrs Laura K. Lewis, The High House, Winchester, regarding Bertha leaving school [22 Sep 1890]; letter from A. Tupper, 45 Church Street, Rugby regarding payment, etc. [2 Aug 1890]; letter from H.C. Leroy, regarding pork pie, Emily's work, participating in an 'entertainment', etc. [3 Jan 1891]; letter from G.H. Bromfield referring to pork pie, 'darkness and smoke' and clothes from Windsor [2 Jan 1890]; letter to Mrs W.H.W. Townsend from Annie Y. Wauchope, Banisters Gate, Southampton regarding letter, the baby, weather, her father and Carol [22 Dec 1890]; letter from E. Boyen Brown, Mayfield, Old Southgate regarding Maude at school [25 Sep 1893]; letter from J. Bucknill, regarding loss of her friend, his age and family [6 Jan 1894]; empty envelope, with Bournemouth post mark [23 Dec 1893]; note from Silvia with Christmas/New Year wishes [Dec 1893]; letter from J. Bucknill, referring to recent bereavement [of Mrs Anne Townsend] and his health [6 Dec 1893]; letter from brother J.H. Townsend, 35 Bridge Road West, Battersea regarding bringing Addie [Adeline] to Newnham, Julia's return visit, writing letters with news [of marriage] and visiting Adeline's godfather [n.d.].

Also includes: letter to William Henry [Townsend] from J. Bucknill, Hillmorton Hall regarding recent addition to family [23 Oct 1878]; letter from J.H. Townsend, Park Villas, Oatlands Park, Surrey with news of the birth of a daughter ('the 10th Miss Townsend') [13 Apr 1878]; letter from J.H. Townsend, 35 Bridge Road West, Battersea, regarding new baby [Maude], opening new school room, visit to Croydon and difficulties with servants [22 Oct 1875]; letter to Grandfather from Henry William Worth Townsend, Priory Hill, Wolston, with reference to hunting, bonfire, rabbit and beginning foot[ball] [7 Nov 1881]; printed letter from H.W. Bucknill, Rugby regarding retirement [31 May 1876]; letter from George H.W. Bromfield regarding the new baby ('your little stranger') [25 Mar 1891]; draft letter [to Charles Healy?] from daughter Mary referring to old age, her relations with her parents and religion [in pencil]; crossed letter from Aunt Mary, Foremark regarding vacation at Wisbeach, the dinner parties of their neighbours ('the Cox's at the vicarage'), the vices of fashion and dress and the influence on servant girls (referring to Mrs Ellis' book 'Daughters of England'), the children, Mary Buck's character and the Bible [3 Feb]; letter from Aunt Mary, Foremark, regarding the new baby, news from Anne (including meeting officer 'in the Balaka charge' and tales of the battle) and flooding [29 Oct 1875]; letter from George H.W. Bromfield, regarding new baby ('little stranger') at Newnham [21 Oct 1875]; letter from Henry Townsend, Priory Hill, Wolston, with reference to the chestnut mare and Peacock, bonfire and fireworks, etc. [14 Nov 1881]; Christmas notelet from E. Selina Townsend [late 19th century]; incomplete crossed letter from Emma referring to reading Newton's letters and religion (refers to sinners and the doctrine of Free Grace); letter from Aimee C. Leroy regarding visit and recent time abroad, Bertha going home for Christmas, the school girls, her fortieth birthday and the weather [28 Sep 1890]; and letter from E. Selina Townsend, 8 Heath Terrace regarding the death of Mrs Townsend [4 Dec 1893].
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