
TitleCopy of the published "Further report of the Commissioners for inquiring concerning Charities" for the Parish of Hillmorton in the county of Warwick. Watermark, 1860.
DescriptionThis listed the charities as follows:

Church Lands: Great Church Close (i.e. 19a. 3r. 10p. allotted by Enclosure Commissioners in Westerland Field) and Small Church Close (i.e. 3a. 1r. 12p. in Thurnborough Field). The revenues were used for repairs to Church, for relief of the poor and repair of highways. The second allotment was also for keeping in repair hedges, ditches etc. of land allotted to the vicar. £8. 8 p.a. was paid to a Sunday schoolmaster, £3. 3 p.a. for teaching singers. Revenue was also to pay off the interest of a debt of £291 incurred by building a parish school in 1814.

The School: Mary Ireson in February 1878 conveyed a messuage, yard etc. and garden in Nether St. Hillmorton, and pew no. 44 in the parish church for the benefit of the parish. The deed recited that the trustees had at the request of the parish officers taken down the house and erected a school house there for the education of poor children and a house for the schoolmaster at the cost of £700.

Abbots Charity: described as in nos. CR2260/1-2

Thompson's Charity: James Thompson, parish clerk and Schoolmaster of Hillmorton by will bearing date 22nd Dec. 1821 bequeathed £50 in trust, the interest from which was to provide for the education of, and in purchasing books for, 2 poor orphan children of the parish (or poor children).

Astley's charity: Sir Edward Astley by bargain and sale enrolled in chancery, dated 13th December 1770, granted a messuage and homestall in the tenure Thomas Iliff, a messuage and homestall in the tenure of William Bonner and land called Waldons Moor and Cocks Moor [later called Smiths Moors according to more recent marginal note] in the occupation of Thomas Smith, the rents and profits from which were to buy bread weekly for the poor. The property consisted of Smiths Moor and Palmers Close with a barn [20th cent. marginalia states that Palmers Close was sold and houses were built thereon called Palmers Close]; 2 tenements.
Original of this further report was made 1834 or 1835.
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