
TitleDiary ('No. VIII')
Date8 Sep 1900-25 Dec 1900
DescriptionContinuation of no. VII, beginning with arrival in Paris and finding lodgings [8 Sep]. With frequent reference to exploring various places in Paris, his employment with Mr Reutlinger and Mr Varney in Litchfield, reading and visiting friends and family.

Refers to: visiting Exhibition ('the grandest & largest the world [h]as seen'), seeing the moving pavement, Eiffel tower, street of nations and Salle d'illusions [hall of mirrors] [9, 16 Sep]; starting work at Reutlinger's [10 Sep]; working with Reutlinger on retouching images ('the waists to be made smaller, cheek-bones cut down...') [11 Sep]; Ted [his brother Edward] selling his business [17 Sep]; the 'Baby Incubator Shop' [21 Sep]; Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur [23 Sep]; worries about his work as a retoucher and decision to leave Paris [25 Sep]; trip on the Seine steamer to St Cloud [29 Sep]; visiting the Louvre, seeing the Venus de Milo and watching the illuminations [30 Sep]; visiting the Morgue [2 Oct]; leaving Reutlinger's employment [4 Oct]; visiting the Tomb of Napoleon, the Bois de Boulonge and Arc de Triomphe [4 Oct]; going to Versailles (third class, sitting on seats 'on top of the carriages') [5 Oct]; returning home [6 Oct]; returning to Litchfield [8 Oct]; elections [Speight notes 'If I had a vote...'] [10 Oct]; looking after Rugely studio [23 Oct]; taking photographs at the Barracks [29 Oct]; taking photograph of [Litchfield] Chapter House and Lady Chapel interior [9 Oct]; and returning home for Christmas [22 Dec].
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