Description | Mostly brief daily entries [inconsistent]. Includes frequent reference to religious services, his [Anglo] Catholicism, meetings and family visits.
Includes reference to: visit of Gull and Clare [3 Apr, continued from no. III]; meeting of 'The Brotherhood of S. Andrew' [4 Apr]; going to choir practice at Highgate Church [7 Apr]; loosing umbrella [11-14 Apr]; decision to leave Lynn [14, 22 Apr]; Technical School exams [17-21 Apr]; walk to Sandringham [30 Apr]; decision to return to Mr Wright's business after managing Clare's business whilst he was away [3 May]; visiting Peterborough Cathedral on journey home [6 May]; seeing new 'Great Central Station' in Rugby [9 May]; going to Nuneaton to look after Clare's business [10 May]; cycling to Hinckley [16 May], Tamworth [18 May], Birmingham (via Stonebridge, seeing 'new garden' near Botanical Gardens and visiting Art Gallery) [22 May], Coventry [25 May], Bulkington [31 May] and Tamworth [1 Jun]; walking to Clifton from Rugby [3 Jun]; return to Kings Lynn and looking for new rooms [5 Jun]; playing bowls at the S. Margaret's Bowling Club [12 Jun]; starting an Anglo Catholic Brotherhood 'just among ourselves' [14 Jun]; suffering with neuralgia and going to the dentist's [23 Jun]; and visiting Mr Rust at Heacham [5 Jul]. |