
TitleDiary ('No. V')
Date[9 Jul] 1899-19 Jan 1900
DescriptionMostly brief daily entries [inconsistent]. Includes frequent reference to religious services, his [Anglo] Catholicism, meetings and family visits.

Includes reference to: becoming a Sunday School teacher at S. Nicolas [9 Jul, continued from no. IV]; return of Kensit Preachers and distribution of contrary tracts [10, 25-29 Jul]; visit of Gull and Charley [his brothers Gulliver and Charles Speight] [16 Jul]; visit to Hunstanton, including using a bathing machine [26 Jul]; encounter of Mr Rust with Mr Kensit [27 Jul]; Barnum and Bailey's show in Lynn [1 Aug]; Bank Holiday trip to Yarmouth and description of fire at Leake's Oil Mill on Queen Street, King's Lynn on return [7 Aug]; installation of electric light in King's Lynn, being tested in the Town Hall [11 Aug]; photographing Mr [John Thomas] Bunkall, the Mayor [14 Aug]; bathing at Hunstanton and meeting 'two Rugby people' [23 Aug]; Sunday School outing ('We numbered 600 altogether and had a special train to Hunstanton') [30 Aug]; busy day at Swaffham [2 Sep]; Technical School results [12 Sep]; visit to the Rusts on holiday at Heacham Beach and evening at Hunstanton [13 Sep]; erection of Reredos at S. Margaret's church [17 Sep, 21-23 Nov]; starting a dancing class [4 Oct]; new method of shading [24 Oct]; Boer War news [30 Oct]; joining the All Saints Chapter of B.S.A. [14 Nov]; moving lodgings [18 Nov]; debate at the 'A.C.B.' on the Bible [4 Dec]; ice-skating [17 Dec]; having teeth out [16 and 23 Dec]; going home for Christmas, including visit of Uncle James from New Zealand [23 Dec-1 Jan 1900]; walking from Leamington to Guys Cliff, visiting Kenilworth Castle and walking on to Coventry [27 Dec]; 'Half Day trip to London by the Great Central Railway' [31 Dec]; Mr Wright's annual Christmas party at the Music Hall [4 Jan 1900]; and Technical School Social Reunion, with distribution of prizes [19 Jan].
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