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Collapse 00001 - PARISH OF ST NICHOLAS', ALCESTER - 1560-201400001 - PARISH OF ST NICHOLAS', ALCESTER - 1560-2014
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 6 - Constable6 - Constable
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Overseers of Highways8 - Overseers of Highways
Expand 9 - Various Parish Officers9 - Various Parish Officers
Collapse 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Collapse 1 - Reynolds Charity1 - Reynolds Charity
Collapse 1 - Deeds1 - Deeds
1 - Copy of the will of Thomas Gibbs of Alcester, butcher, which includes the bequest to his daughter Mary, the widow of Joseph Nicholls of Alcester, ironmonger, of a house in the occupation of his nephew, William Gibbs, baker - 11 May 1747
2 - Appointment by Mary Nicholls of Alcester, widow, and relict of Joseph Nicholls late of the same, ironmonger, dec., of her son Thomas Nicholls to take and enjoy after her death the messuage, etc. in Alcester bequeathed to her by her father Thomas Gibbs of Alcester, butcher, dec., then in the occupation of his nephew William Gibbs, baker - 21 Mar 1755
3 - Mortgage by way of lease for 1,000 years by Thomas Nicholls of Alcester, ropier, to Anthony Wake of Stratford upon Avon, dealer in flax, of a messuage, etc., in Alcester in the tenure of William Gibbs - 15 Sep 1755
4 - Grant by Thomas Nicholls of Alcester, ropier, to Joseph Nicholls his elder brother, of the reversion of a messuage in Alcester in the tenure of William Gibbs, baker - 3 Dec 1755
5 - Assignment by Anthony Wake of Stratford upon Avon, dealer in flax, to Edward Whitehouse of Alcester, gent., of his interest as mortgagee in a messuage, etc., in Alcester in the tenure of William Gibbs, in trust for Joseph Nicholls - 3 Dec 1755
6 - Mortgage by Mary Nicholls of Alcester, widow and relict of Joseph Nicholls late of Alcester, ironmonger, dec., Joseph Nicholls her son and Elizabeth his wife, to Richard Harris of Coughton, blacksmith, of a messuage with bakehouse etc. in the High Street in the tenure of Thomas Millward, for £100 to be repaid at the end of six months - 8 Jan 1756
7 - Probate with copy of will annexed of Joseph Nicholls of Alcester, baker, whereby he leaves to trustees his property including a house in Alcester in the occupation of Thomas Milward, the mortgage on which is to be paid off, and money raised for the benefit of his wife Elizabeth and daughter Mar - 11 May 1759
8 - Lease and release by Joseph Taylor of Wall Heath in the parish of Kingswinford, scythesmith, and Joseph Harrison of Birmingham, whitesmith, trustees under the will of Joseph Nicholls, late of Alcester, baker, dec., to Richard Jackson of Snowhill, Glos., gent., of a messuage, with bakehouse, stable, pigstye, etc., in the High Street, Alcester, in the occupation of Thomas Millward, baker, and quitclaim by Elizabeth Nicholls, widow, and Mary Nicholls, spinster - 3 & 4 Feb 1772
9 - Assignment by Richard Harris of Coughton, blacksmith, to Thomas Millward of Alcester, baker, of the residue of a term of 1,000 years in a messuage, bakehouse, etc., in the High Street, Alcester, in the occupation of Thomas Millward, in trust for Richard Jackson - 5 Feb 1772
10 - Lease and release by Richard Jackson of Snowshill, Glos., gent., to John Langston of Alcester, baker, for £150, of a messuage or dwellinghouse with bakehouse, etc., in the High Street, Alcester, in the occupation of Thomas Millward, baker, lying between a house occupied by Abel Morrall and John Hardwick to the N. and a house occupied by Edward Layton, cooper, to the S - 11 & 12 Apr 1781
11 - Lease and release by John Langston of Alcester, baker, to the rector, churchwardens, overseers and principal inhabitants of Alcester of a house, bakehouse, stable, pigstye, etc. in High Street, Alcester, in the occupation of Thomas Millward, baker, in exchange for a house bequeathed to the parish in 1670 under the will of John Reynolds, mercer, dec., then in the tenure of Richard Jennings, glover, in Alcester, the rents of which were to be used to put forth poor apprentices - 9 & 10 Dec 1784
12 - Bargain and sale by Samuel Jacksons of Bovington in the parish of Salford Priors to the rector, churchwardens and overseers of Alcester - 24 Dec 1799
Expand 2 - Moor Fields Charity2 - Moor Fields Charity
Expand 3 - Church Lands: Hawes's Close3 - Church Lands: Hawes's Close
Expand 4 - Church Lands (unidentified)4 - Church Lands (unidentified)
Expand 5 - Church House5 - Church House
Expand 6 - Addition to Glebe Land6 - Addition to Glebe Land
Expand 7 - Brandis's Charity7 - Brandis's Charity
Expand 8 - House for use of the Poor8 - House for use of the Poor
Expand 9 - Molly Hodgett's Charity9 - Molly Hodgett's Charity
Expand 10 - ? Wilcox's Charity10 - ? Wilcox's Charity
Expand 11 - Spilsbury's Charity11 - Spilsbury's Charity
Expand 12 - Gould's Gift12 - Gould's Gift
Expand 13 - Town Lands (various properties)13 - Town Lands (various properties)
Expand 14 - Standard Measures received from the Exchequer14 - Standard Measures received from the Exchequer
Expand 15 - Penelope Morgans Charity15 - Penelope Morgans Charity
Expand 16 - Market Tolls released by the Earl of Warwick16 - Market Tolls released by the Earl of Warwick
Expand 17 - Newport's Grammar School17 - Newport's Grammar School
Expand 18 - National Schools18 - National Schools
Expand 19 - Thomas Wilson's Charity19 - Thomas Wilson's Charity
Expand 20 - Miss Harris's Bequest20 - Miss Harris's Bequest
Expand 21 - Mary Purton Bequest21 - Mary Purton Bequest
Expand 22 - Chapman Bequest22 - Chapman Bequest
Expand 23 - Charities in General23 - Charities in General
Expand 24 - Church Street Property24 - Church Street Property
Expand 25 - J P Baylis Charity25 - J P Baylis Charity
Expand 12 - Statutory deposits12 - Statutory deposits
Expand 14 - Printed Books and Newspapers14 - Printed Books and Newspapers
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous