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Collapse 00001 - PARISH OF ST NICHOLAS', ALCESTER - 1560-201400001 - PARISH OF ST NICHOLAS', ALCESTER - 1560-2014
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 6 - Constable6 - Constable
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Overseers of Highways8 - Overseers of Highways
Expand 9 - Various Parish Officers9 - Various Parish Officers
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 12 - Statutory deposits12 - Statutory deposits
Expand 14 - Printed Books and Newspapers14 - Printed Books and Newspapers
Collapse 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
1 - Records of beating the parish bounds of Inkberrow giving landmarks. - 1814,1912
2 - Historical notes on Alcester Church, including a letter from J. Harvey Bloom and several letters from Edwin Smith to Canon Chapman, 1911, 1912. Included with these notes are a letter containing an extract from the will of John Farr of Kings Coughton bequeathing 10/- a year for the support of a Sunday School, 1847; a note to the Rev. Crow from the Old Bank, Stratford, endorsed with a list of Easter Dues, 1850; and an extract from the minutes of the trustees of Bridges' Charity, 1851 - 1847-1912
3 - Articles of agreement between the bailiffs of the manor of Alcester and Thomas Matthews of Great Alne, farmer, for letting messuage etc. and 23a arable land at Alne Hills for the annual rent of £38 - 1862
Expand 4 - Punch4 - Punch
Expand 5 - Coins and Medals5 - Coins and Medals
Collapse 6 - Miscellaneous deeds that appear to have no connection with the Parish6 - Miscellaneous deeds that appear to have no connection with the Parish
7 - Small hand drawn plan of area surrounded by The Moors & Moors Fields, naming surrounding landowners? - nd
8 - Exercise book of graphs belonging to K Sisson, 1920s; letter re Alcester Lawn Tennis Club, 1917; handwritten list of contacts at various hospitals, nd; two cloth money bags; assorted labels and financial jottings. - 20th century