Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 00008 - PARISH OF ST LAWRENCE, ANSLEY - 1637-199800008 - PARISH OF ST LAWRENCE, ANSLEY - 1637-1998
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 6 - Constable6 - Constable
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Collapse 11 - Ansley C.E. School11 - Ansley C.E. School
Expand 1 - Managers' minutes1 - Managers' minutes
Collapse 2 - Accounts & financial records2 - Accounts & financial records
1 - Ansley National School: cash book (receipts and payments Includes, at the end, annual accounts - 1873-1882
2 - Ansley National School: cash book (receipts and payments) Includes, at the end, annual accounts - 1883-1893
3 - Ansley National School: pass-book - 1879-1883
4 - Ansley National School: pass-book - 1883-1888
5 - Ansley National School: pass-book - 1889-1894
6 - Ansley National School: pass-book - 1894-1897
7 - Managers' printed Statement and Balance Sheet (includes a List of Contributors) - 1874
8 - Printed annual Accounts of the Income and Expenditure of Ansley C.E. School, 1887-1889, 1893. - 1887-1893
9 - Cheque book (counterfoils) - Dec 1890-Aug 1892
10 - Cheque book (counterfoils) - Nov 1893-Aug 1894
11 - Cheque book (counterfoils) - Aug 1894-Mar 1895
12 - Cheque book (counterfoils) - Apr 1895-Jan 1896
13 - Cheque book (counterfoils) - Feb 1896-Nov 1896
14 - Cheque book (counterfoils) - Dec 1896-Aug 1897
15 - Cheque book (counterfoils) - Sep 1897-May 1898
Collapse 16 - Original annual bundles of bills and vouchers et al (e.g. coal tickets, cheques, receipts, payment certificates) relating to Ansley C E School.16 - Original annual bundles of bills and vouchers et al (e.g. coal tickets, cheques, receipts, payment certificates) relating to Ansley C E School.
Expand 5 - Correspondence5 - Correspondence
Expand 6 - Plans6 - Plans
Expand 7 - Bulkington Church Schools7 - Bulkington Church Schools
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
Expand 17 - St. Lawrence's Church Room17 - St. Lawrence's Church Room
Expand 18 - Mission Church of St John, Ansley Common.18 - Mission Church of St John, Ansley Common.