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Collapse 00032 - PARISH OF ST JOHN BAPTIST, BERKSWELL - c1600-199300032 - PARISH OF ST JOHN BAPTIST, BERKSWELL - c1600-1993
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Collapse 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 1 - Minutes, agendas, reports1 - Minutes, agendas, reports
Expand 2 - Accounts & financial records2 - Accounts & financial records
Collapse 3 - Correspondence3 - Correspondence
1 - Original bundle of correspondence relating to the restoration of the church and crypt and alterations to the windows of the alms-houses by Charles M. C. Armstrong, architect, with a plan of the alteration of the level of the first floor windows at the back of the alms houses, by Armstrong, 27th August 1925. - 1924-1925
2 - Original bundle of correspondence and other papers relating to the restoration of the crypt and work done elsewhere in the church by C.M.C. Armstrong, architect, of Warwick. The bundle is entitled "Letters Mr. Armstrong and D. French. re crypt also copy of final account 1925" - 1924-1926
3 - Original bundle of correspondence relating to the burial space reserved by the Walker family in Berkswell churchyard - 1924,1964
4 - Original bundle of correspondence and papers relating to repairs to the north wall and south aisle and the re-roofing of the north aisle by Charles A. Nicholson, with a sketch plan of the north aisle roof and foundations, 1927 - 1925-1929
5 - Original bundle? of correspondence relating to proposed alterations to the church, including a memorial stained glass window and alterations to the north door of the church, with some references to the Mothers Union expenses and the church account - 1928-1930
6 - Original bundle of correspondence and related papers on a wide variety of topics, mostly dating after 1920 - 1905-1969
7 - Original bundle of correspondence and related papers on a wide variety of topics - 1924-1970
8 - Original bundle of correspondence relating to the Hadley family's memorial and grave - 1952-1953
9 - Original bundle of correspondence concerning heating installations in the church and rectory with plans, etc. - 1963-1964
10 - Original bundle of correspondence relating to the insurance of the church furnishings and property, with three policies of insurance - 1950-1961
11 - Notebook and few papers relating to the response of Berkswell to the Bishop's appeal - 1958-1961
Expand 5 - Plans5 - Plans
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 7 - Overseers of the poor7 - Overseers of the poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 14 - Printed Material14 - Printed Material
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous