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Expand 2 - Charities of Richard Wise (1655), Thomas Huntbach, (The Whitacre Dole, 1628), Mrs. Mantell (19th Cent) and Miss Mary Proctor (19th Cent)2 - Charities of Richard Wise (1655), Thomas Huntbach, (The Whitacre Dole, 1628), Mrs. Mantell (19th Cent) and Miss Mary Proctor (19th Cent)
Collapse 3 - Charities of James Taverner (d. 1851), Mary Wharr (d. 1842), Thomas Harris (d. 1859) which in 1911 were incorporated into Simon, Lord Digby's charity, and charity of Mrs. Dean Digby3 - Charities of James Taverner (d. 1851), Mary Wharr (d. 1842), Thomas Harris (d. 1859) which in 1911 were incorporated into Simon, Lord Digby's charity, and charity of Mrs. Dean Digby
1 - Mary Wharr's bequest of the dividends from £200 3%; consols to twenty four widows: volume containing lists of recipients - 1843-1910
2 - James Taverner's bequest of the interest from £500 for provision of coals and clothing for the poor: volume containing accounts and distribution lists - 1853-1910
3 - Thomas Harris' bequest of the interest from £40 secured on a mortgage for six poor widows: volume containing accounts and distribution lists - 1861-1910
4 - Original bundle (?), containing papers respecting the above three charities of Wharr, Taverner and Harris and also Dean Digby's in addition to correspondence of the churchwardens on other matters: - 1856-1869
5 - Original bundle of statements of accounts for Mrs. Dean Digby's, Taverner's and Wharr's charities - 1857-1859
6 - Taverner's Charity: a few items found loose; distribution lists sent in receipted by tradesmen supplying goods to poor, 1854, 1857, 1859. Bills sent in by tradesmen for supply of coals and clothing, receipted, 1857-1862 - 1854-1862
7 - Original bundle of correspondence etc. from the Charity Commission found in a wrapper entitled "Form's and Order's in reference to Taverner Wharr and Dean Digby's Charities from the Charity Commissioners" - 1858-1861
8 - Original bundle containing request for church rate return from Whitehall, 1861, church rate returns sent to the Home Office, 1867-1869, and annual distribution lists for Taverner's, Wharr's and Harris' charities 1861-1878 (not fully complete). - 1861-1878
9 - Taverner's charity: bundle of charity tickets for coals. - 1862
10 - Taverner's charity: bundle of charity tickets for clothing from two drapers, with their receipted bills for amounts spent - 1863
11 - Taverner's charity: two bundles of tickets for supply of coals, undated - c.1860
12 - Original bundle of papers in an envelope containing Charles Couchman's account with the trustees of Lord Digby's charity estates, 1871, tradesmen's receipted bills for clothing supplied for Taverner's charity recipients, 1871; Charity Commission's correspondence and orders and stock receipt in respect of Harris' charity, 1871; churchwardens' vouchers, 1871/2 - 1871-1872
Expand 4 - Coleshill Lying in Charity4 - Coleshill Lying in Charity
Expand 5 - Charity of Simon Lord Digby and Others5 - Charity of Simon Lord Digby and Others
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory Deposits12 - Statutory Deposits
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