Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 00118 - PARISH OF ST MARY, ILMINGTON - 1588-197900118 - PARISH OF ST MARY, ILMINGTON - 1588-1979
Expand 1 - Incumbent - 1588-19791 - Incumbent - 1588-1979
Collapse 2 - Churchwardens - 1939-19702 - Churchwardens - 1939-1970
Expand 2 - Accounts & financial records - 1765-18692 - Accounts & financial records - 1765-1869
Collapse 3 - Faculties - 1910-19703 - Faculties - 1910-1970
1 - Faculty for various alterations and improvements with related paper. - 20 Aug 1910
2 - Faculty to erect a reredos, with retable and panelling, in memory of Isabella Sophia Flower, 20 Dec 1929. - 1929
3 - Faculty for installing electric light, 24 May 1934. - 1934
4 - Faculty to confirm the restoration and complete refurbishments of the parish church and to sanction the future carrying out of work not yet done. - 4 Aug 1939
5 - Faculty for installing an electric organ blower. - 13 Oct 1947
6 - Faculty for the tuning and rehanging the peal of six bells and equipping them with modern fittings. - 1 June 1951
7 - Faculty for placing an oak table in the parish church and an oak bench in the church Belfry. - 16 Feb. 1953
8 - Letter regarding the authorisation of the inscription on Mr Oswald Smith’s Gravestone. - 16 Feb 1962
9 - Faculty for the erection of a tombstone for Mrs Marjorie Smith. - 16 Feb 1962
10 - Faculty for erecting a tombstone over the grave of John Francis Bell and authorising an inscription. - 12 July 1962
11 - Faculty for the hanging in tower of the Parish Church a plaque bearing witness that the bells of the Parish Church were hung to mark the consecration of Coventry Cathedral. - 12 Nov 1962
12 - Copy of faculty for the reservation and appropriation of a grave space in Ilmington churchyard for Gwendoline May Smith. - 23 April 1965
13 - Faculty to authorise improvements in the old church yard and installing a nave altar. - 24 August 1965
14 - Faculty for an iron base to support the cross and processional staff and a pair of lacquered brass flowerpots. - 13 May 1966
15 - Faculty to authorise the installation of twelve chairs and two double prieu dieux in the chancel. - 8 August 1967
16 - Faculty authorise improvement to the new churchyard. - 2 July 1970
Expand 4 - Terriers & inventories4 - Terriers & inventories
5 - Deeds & property records (including insurance) - 1963
Expand 7 - Specifications, Plans and Tenders  - 19637 - Specifications, Plans and Tenders - 1963
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, incl. photos - 19698 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, incl. photos - 1969
Expand 10 - Working papers10 - Working papers
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council - 1944-19704 - Parochial Church Council - 1944-1970
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations - 1955-19635 - Auxiliary Organisations - 1955-1963
Expand 6 - Highway Surveyor6 - Highway Surveyor
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor - 1709-17807 - Overseers of the Poor - 1709-1780
Expand 10 - Charities - 1864-196310 - Charities - 1864-1963
Expand 11 - School - 1857-197011 - School - 1857-1970
Expand 14 - Printed - 1906-192914 - Printed - 1906-1929