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Collapse 00158 - PARISH OF ST DAVID, NEWBOLD-ON-STOUR - 1719-199200158 - PARISH OF ST DAVID, NEWBOLD-ON-STOUR - 1719-1992
Collapse 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 1 - Registers1 - Registers
Collapse 3 - Benefice (property & income, inc glebe; union with other benefices)3 - Benefice (property & income, inc glebe; union with other benefices)
1 - An Act for making the Townships of Shipston and Tidmington a Distinct Parish from the Parish of Tredington, and for dividing the Rectory of said Parish of Tredington into Three Parts. - 1719
2 - A bill for making the hamlets of Newbold and Armscott a separate parish from the parish of Tredington and for building a church and providing a churchyard and parsonage house at Newbold. 1833 - 1833-1892
3 - Artificial bundle of miscellaneous papers including official memoranda and correspondence concerning parish awards and benefice finances, completed form detailing condition of parish burial ground 1891, printed fete poster, certificate of banns 190 - 1837-1928
4 - Articles of Agreement for the commutation of Tithes of the Parish and Rectory of Newbold on Stour - 1840
5 - Conveyance from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to John Miles of Ilmington, farmer, of their reversionary interest in land of 9A 1R 24P, numbered 95 on the Newbold tithe map; conveyance by John W. Garrett of Sutton-under-Brailes gent. of his right, title and interest in the property, 30th December - 1865
6 - Mortgage from Queen Anne's Bounty for funds to effect improvements to parsonage - 1867
7 - Terrier or Inventory of the Properties belonging to the Church of St. David, Newbold on Stour. - 1885
8 - Sealed copy of certificate of tithe rent charge redemption - 1920-1921
9 - Income Tax assessments for Newbold Rectory and incumbent - 1923
10 - Details of rate levied for repairs to private roads and watercourses within the parish based upon entries in the Inclosure Award of 1850. Also contains MS extracts of Inclosure Award. - 1926-1927
11 - Certificates from Ecclesiastical Commissioners re income of benefice - 1930
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory Deposits12 - Statutory Deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous