Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 00190 - PARISH OF ST JAMES, SOUTHAM - 1360-197700190 - PARISH OF ST JAMES, SOUTHAM - 1360-1977
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary organisations5 - Auxiliary organisations
Expand 6 - Constable6 - Constable
Collapse 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Collapse 1 - Valuations and rates1 - Valuations and rates
Collapse 1 - Relief of the poor1 - Relief of the poor
1 - Poor rates (loose), 1722, 1783, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1805 - 1722-1805
2 - Poor rate book - 1815-1816
3 - Poor rate book - 1816-1819
4 - Poor rate book - 1836-1837
5 - Poor rate book - 1837-1838
6 - Rate book - 1838,1839
7 - Poor rate book - 1841-1842
8 - Poor rate book - 1842-1843
9 - Poor rate book - 1843-1844
10 - Rate book - 1845,1846
11 - Poor rate book - 1846-1847
12 - Poor rate book - 1847
13 - Poor rate book - 1848
14 - Poor rate book - April 1849
15 - Poor rate book - Jul 1849-Nov 1849
16 - Rate book - Jan. 1850
17 - Rate book - May 1850
18 - Rate book - July 1850
19 - Rate book - Nov. 1850
20 - Rate book - Jan. 1851
21 - Rate book - May 1851
22 - Rate book - July 1851
23 - Rate book - Oct. 1851
24 - Rate book - Jan. 1852
25 - Rate book - Apr. 1852
26 - Rate book - July 1852
27 - Rate book - Nov. 1852
28 - Rate book - Jan. 1853
29 - Rate book - Apr. 1853
30 - Rate book - July 1853
31 - Rate book - Jan. 1854
32 - Rate book - Apr. 1854
33 - Rate book - May 1855
34 - Rate book - Nov. 1855
35 - Rate book - Jan. 1856
36 - Rate book - Oct. 1856
37 - Rate book - May 1857
38 - Rate book - Nov. 1857
39 - Rate book - May 1858
40 - Rate book - Oct. 1858
41 - Rate book - Apr. 1859
42 - Rate book - Nov. 1859
43 - Rate book - May 1860
44 - Rate book - Nov. 1860
45 - Rate book - May 1861
46 - Rate book - Nov. 1861
47 - Rate book - May 1862
48 - Rate book - May 1863
49 - Rate book - Dec. 1863
50 - Rate book - Apr. 1864
51 - Rate book - Nov. 1864
52 - Rate book - Nov. 1864
53 - Rate book - Apr. 1865
54 - Rate book - Oct. 1865
55 - Rate book - May 1866
56 - Rate book - Oct. 1866
57 - Rate book - Apr. 1867
58 - Rate book - Oct. 1867
59 - Rate book - Apr. 1868
60 - Rate book - Oct. 1868
61 - Rate book - Apr. 1869
62 - Rate book - Nov. 1869
63 - Rate book - Dec. 1870
64 - Rate book - Apr. 1871
65 - Rate book - Oct. 1871
66 - Rate book - May 1872
67 - Rate book - Nov. 1872
68 - Rate book - June 1873
69 - Rate book - Apr. 1873
70 - Rate book - Nov. 1873
71 - Rate book - Dec. 1873
72 - Rate book - Apr. 1874
73 - Rate book - June 1874
74 - Rate book - Oct. 1874
75 - Rate book - Dec. 1874
76 - Rate book - Apr. 1875
77 - Rate book - June 1875
78 - Rate book - Dec. 1875
79 - Rate book - Oct. 1876
80 - Rate book - Dec. 1876
81 - Rate book - Apr. 1878
82 - Rate book - Apr. 1880
83 - Poor rate book - April 1881
84 - Poor rate book - Aug 1881
85 - Rate book - May 1882
86 - Rate book - Aug. 1882
87 - Rate book - Nov. 1882
88 - Poor rate book - Feb 1883
89 - Rate book - May 1883
90 - Rate book - July 1883
91 - Poor rate book - Nov. 1883
92 - Rate book - Oct. 1884, Jan. 1885
93 - Rate book - May, Aug. 1885
94 - Rate book - Nov. 1885, Feb. 1886
95 - Rate book - May 1886
96 - Rate book - Nov. 1886
97 - Receipt and payment book - 1848-1868
98 - Collecting and deposit book - 1873-1875
Expand 2 - Lighting2 - Lighting
Expand 3 - Drainage3 - Drainage
Expand 4 - Special Expenses under Sanitary Acts4 - Special Expenses under Sanitary Acts
Expand 5 - Special Expenses under Public Health Act5 - Special Expenses under Public Health Act
Expand 2 - Accounts & financial records2 - Accounts & financial records
Expand 3 - Settlement papers3 - Settlement papers
Expand 4 - Apprenticeship4 - Apprenticeship
Expand 5 - Bastardy5 - Bastardy
Expand 6 - Militia6 - Militia
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous Overseers of the Poor records7 - Miscellaneous Overseers of the Poor records
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Expand 9 - Other Parish Officers9 - Other Parish Officers
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory deposits12 - Statutory deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous