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Collapse 00196 - PARISH OF ST MICHAEL, STOKE - 1573-198900196 - PARISH OF ST MICHAEL, STOKE - 1573-1989
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Collapse 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 2 - Accounts and financial records2 - Accounts and financial records
Expand 3 - Faculties3 - Faculties
4 - Terriers & inventories
Collapse 5 - Deeds & property records5 - Deeds & property records
1 - Quitclaim, for 5s., from James Eades of Stoke, wheelwright, to his stepson Mark Ward (son of Hannah Ward, later wife of James Eades, by William Ward late of Stoke, wheelwright, deceased) of all his rights to rents and profits or occupation of a cottage with a garden and orchard in Stoke - 1 Sep 1748
2 - Lease (part of lease and release) from Jonathan Tilley of Coventry, glazier, to Joseph Eburne, Thomas Brockhurst, John Kirkman and John Ward of Coventry, aldermen, of a cottage with appurtenances in Stoke adjacent on the north and west sides to "the Green" and the orchard adjacent to the south side of the former - 5 Mar 1754
3 - Final concord between George Clarke, gent., plaintiff and Thomas Bray and Elizabeth, his wife, Ann Croxall, widow, Samuel Cook and Martha, his wife, deforciants re 3 messuages, 3 gardens, 1 orchard and 3 acs. of land in St. Michael's Coventry, Foleshill and Stoke. Consideration £260 - 2 Nov 1778
4 - Conveyance from Christopher Read of Stoke, breechesmaker, to Eli Moore of Sow, ribbonweaver, and Mary his wife of a messuage, formerly a barn, near to the church and a piece of land 21 × 12 yds, all in Stoke. Consideration £50 (£37 13s. to pay off mortgage to John Stanton of Kenilworth, late of Coventry, esq., and the remainder to Read). - 29-30 Jun 1792
5 - Conveyance of 3 messuages in Stoke for £60 from Thomas Bray of Kenilworth, gent., eldest son and heir of Thomas Bray late of Stoke, weaver, deceased (eldest son and heir and devisee in fee simple appointed by Thomas Bray "the elder", late of Stoke, victualler, deceased) to William Bray of Coventry, victualler, and John Bray of Stoke, victualler, (trustee). - 16-17 Jul 1819
6 - Probate will and codicil of William Bray the elder of the city of Coventry, victualler. Dated 9 Apr. 1831 and 25 Jan. 1834 respectively - 1831-1834
7 - Copy of probate will and codicil of Eli Moore of Stoke, ribbon manufacturer, dated 6 July 1835 and 20 Jan. 1836 respectively - 8 Apr 1836
8 - Bond for £50 from Mary Moore of Coventry, widow, and her son Eli Charles Moore of Coughton, farmer, to indemnify William Howard of Coventry, gent., and Richard Lee of Barby, Northants., against claims under the will of Eli Moore. J. Clarke, solicitor, bill to Mr. William Rotherham for work (Apr. 1839 - 6 Apr 1839
9 - Conveyance from George Sanders Rotherham of Coventry, maltster and Henry Gould, late of Berkswell but now of Birmingham, merchant (executors of the will of Ann Rotherham, died 1890, widow of William Rotherham of Coventry, printer, formerly widow of William Bray the Younger) to Thomas Rotherham of Dunchurch, farmer (with permission of the tenants in common of Ann Bray's will : Thomas Rotherham, Sarah Ann Watson of Birmingham, married woman, Katherine Gould of the same, married woman and Sarah Rotherham of Coventry, married woman – her children and daughter-in-law) of 3 messuages in Stoke bounded on the north and west by the old vicarage garden and also a piece of land on the west side of Church Lane in Stoke containing 500 sq. yds. approximately bounded on the east side by Church Lane. - 2 Sep 1890
10 - Abstract of title of Ann Bray's executors to messuages, land and hereditaments in Stoke as in DR0409/43, DR0409/47, reciting inter alia indentures of lease and release 5-6 Apr. 1839 conveying the 4 messuages and piece of land on the west side of Church Lane in Stoke containing 500 sq. yds. approximately bounded on the east side by Church Lane (as in DR409/47) from Ann Bray of Coventry, widow, to William Howard and Richard Lee (as in DR0409/46/1) which it indicates were calcined by a fire at the late Mr. Minster's house and cannot be opened - 1837-1890
11 - Mortgage of £400 by Thomas Rotherham to Mary Ann Simons of Rugby, spinster, of land and property in Stoke (as in DR409/47) and also a piece of land formerly used as garden ground in Holy Trinity parish, Coventry, part of a close of meadow ground formerly called "Crabbs" als. "Crabtree Close" near to Gosford Green bounded on the west side by Villers Lane now converted into a street called Paynes Lane and 2 messuages erected and built by Joseph Johnson as part of the said plot. Annotation that mortgage paid off (19 Aug. 1902). - 2 Sep 1890
12 - Schedules of deeds (see DR0409/42-49) to several messuages, garden ground and premises in Stoke from Mr. Thomas Rotherham to Miss M. A. Simons - 1890
13 - Lease from Rev. Joseph Twigger of Stoke, clerk, and the parishioners of Stoke (named) to the Master & Wardens and Fellowship of Drapers in the City of Coventry of a lane or slang of ground commonly called Grove Lane, Stoke (marginal coloured MS plan of situation given) and a messuage erected and built by Thomas Everett upon the land containing 1 ac. 1 r. 36 p. to hold for 42 years at £8 10s. p. a. for the first 21 years and £13 10s. p. a. for the remainder plus a consideration of £40. - 26 Jul 1815
14 - Counterpart of a lease from the Rev. Robert Arrowsmith, clerk (vicar of Stoke), Richard Grove, gent., and William Henry Bray, ribbon manufacturer (churchwardens) to the Master & Wardens and Fellowship of Drapers in the City of Coventry of a lane or slang of ground commonly called Grove Lane, Stoke (as in DR0409/51), and a messuage erected and built by Thomas Everett upon the land containing (as in DR0409/51). - 27 Nov 1857
15 - Counterpart of a lease from the Rev. Robert Arrowsmith of Walsgrave-on-Sowe, clerk (vicar of Stoke), William Frederick Pridmore of Wyken House, gent., and Walter Barnwell of Stoke, trimming manufacturer (churchwardens) to Twist of a lane or slang of ground commonly called Grove Lane, Stoke (as in DR0409/51), and a messuage erected and built by Thomas Everett upon the land containing (as in DR0409/51). - 24 Aug 1880
16 - Extract from the codicil to the will of John Brown Twist of Stoke House (as in DR0409/52-53) whereby he set aside £250 to his Trustees to be applied towards the erection of a vicarage house for Stoke parish (recently separated from Walsgrave-on-Sowe) - (1885)
17 - Rough tracing of strip of land in Stoke including church and rectory with Coal and Mineral Rights reserved in accordance with the Coal Act 1937. No scale. - (1938)
18 - Tracing of an area of Stoke including St. Michael's church outlining a zone in red. - (nd, 20th cent)
19 - Ltr. - R. A. Rotherham & Co. of Coventry, solicitors, to the Rev. F. Burnett re the Walsgrave Road improvement - 5 Jan 1929
20 - Ltr. - W. H. Grainger of Stoke to the vicar asking for permission to use the gate at the top of his garden leading into the field. - 1 May 1944
21 - MS extracts from the Stoke terriers in the Registry of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry for 1775; 1698, 1701, 1705 and 1836; 1698; 1809 (two copies of each set of extracts) - (1852)
22 - Coloured MS plan of property at Stoke Green colouring a portion of garden and school house conveyed by deed 1841 and a lake proposed to be conveyed - (nd)
23 - Printed map of part of Gosford Green delineating in red a small area of land, just off Swan Lane, required for the construction of a railway line and indicating an intended road parallel to the line connecting Caludon Road with Richmond Road. Scale 1 : 2,500. - 1909
24 - Copies of papers re consecration of the churchyard enlargement, 1892, including petition from Thomas Allen Blyth, clerk D.D. (vicar of Stoke), William Pridmore and Vickers Henry Jones (churchwardens) to the Rt. Rev. J. J. Stewart, Bishop of Worcester (5 Nov. 1892). - 1892
25 - Bundle of correspondence, invoices and receipts etc., between the vicar and churchwardens of Stoke and bellfounders and carpenters etc., relating to the acquisition of new church bells, retuning and refixing of old bells, repairs to the belfry, etc - 1901-1902
26 - Architect's certificate by H. Brakespear to Messrs. John Parsons & Sons of Cromwell Works, Coventry, for new chancel screen, 1923 - 8 Feb 1923
27 - Correspondence and other papers concerning church property at Church End, Walsgrave Road - 1928-1942
28 - Correspondence and papers concerning insurance - 1941-1975
Expand 7 - Specifications, plans, tenders7 - Specifications, plans, tenders
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, inc. photos8 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, inc. photos
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Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
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Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed

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