Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 00215 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, WARWICK - 1819-199000215 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, WARWICK - 1819-1990
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Collapse 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Collapse 1 - Warwick charities1 - Warwick charities
1 - Notes about All Saints parish charities from E.G.Tibbits' typescript on Warwick Charities - nd
2 - Copy extract from the printed report of the Charity Commissioners [1819-1837] relating to Smith's Charities in Warwick - nd
3 - Books entitled `Report ..... (on) the Public charities of the Borough of Warwick, 1826' - 1830
4 - Pamphlet (annotated) entitled `Warwick Charities and Education. Suggestions of the Committee.....' - 1868
5 - Statements of accounts and distribution lists of the churchwardens as trustees of the charities (of Henry Archer, Henry Furnis, Richard Grimes, Edmund Makepeace, John Smith (two, Bread and Shoes)) - 1873-1918
6 - Solicitor's bill to vicars of All Saints' and St. Paul's churches respecting claim to share in revenues of King Henry the Eighth's charity - 1877
7 - Order of Charity Commissions for division of charities of Furnis, Makepeace sr. and jr., Grimes and Archer between new parishes of St. Nicholas' and All Saints' - 1880
8 - Copy order from the Charity Commission, apportioning the benefits of several charities between the parishes of St. Nicholas' and All Saints - 1880
9 - Pamphlet entitled `A Report of the Charities of the Borough of Warwick.....' - 1890
10 - Order (copy) of the Charity Commissioners for the appointment of trustees of the Charity of George Webb - 1892
11 - Correspondence relating to the charities, (1 bundle) 1915, 1923-1925 mostly that of Catherine Holmes - 1915-1925
12 - Statements of accounts and distribution lists of the charities - 1918-1925
13 - Papers (a few only) relating to the charities of The Rev. Canon Thomas Bourne Dickins 1919, Marianne Philips 1920 and Catherine Holmes 1925 - 1919-1925
14 - Catherine Holmes' Charity: memoranda, c. 1988. - 1925-c.1988
15 - Statements of accounts of the "Town Charities" (as above, and others) - 1944-1948
16 - The Sarah Parker Fund; two letters - 1958
17 - Memoranda about 1 All Saints Road, c. 1970, c.1988; the Assistant Clergy Endowment Fund, The Dickins Legacy and the Dickins Endowment Fund, c. 1988 - c.1970, c.1988
18 - "Town Charities": copy Charity Commission Scheme - 1976
19 - Rev. Canon Thomas Bourne Dickins' Charity: memoranda, c. 1988. Copy extract from his will (proved 1919), etc - c.1988
20 - Memorandum about the parish charities - 1987
Expand 2 - All Saints Benefice Endowment Fund - 20th cent2 - All Saints Benefice Endowment Fund - 20th cent
Expand 3 - Miss Philips' Charity3 - Miss Philips' Charity
Expand 4 - St Edith's Hostel or Home endowed by Marianne Philips4 - St Edith's Hostel or Home endowed by Marianne Philips
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 14 - Printed Material14 - Printed Material
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
Expand 16 - Mission Churches16 - Mission Churches