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Collapse 00216 - PARISH OF ST MARY, WARWICK - c.1123-200300216 - PARISH OF ST MARY, WARWICK - c.1123-2003
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 6 - Constables6 - Constables
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Collapse 14 - Printed Matter14 - Printed Matter
1 - Printed copy of Order in Council closing St. Mary's Churchyard for burials with a similar Order, partly in manuscript, 1854 - 1854, 1870
2 - Scrapbook containing printed papers, press cuttings etc., relating to the history of the church, its clergy, its worshippers, from the time of its restoration in 1885, through the two wars, until the 1960s - 1885-1963
3 - "An Account of the Exterior Restoration of St. Mary's Church, Warwick" by Thomas Kemp, Hon. Sec. to the Restoration Committee - 1888
4 - Copy of a "Statement regarding the position of the Chaplain of St. Mary's" - 1891
5 - "Churchwardens and Overseers and National Defence" by Thomas Kemp. A paper read at the Annual Meeting of the Warwickshire Naturalists and Archeologists Field Club - 1893
6 - Leaflet about the closing of St. Mary's for services during alterations and the use of the County Hall for worship - 1896
7 - Copy of Order in Council closing St. Mary's Churchyard for burials - 1899
8 - List of Deans, Sub-Deans, Canons and Prebendaries of St. Mary's 1123-1542 - [20th cent.]
9 - Packet of Orders of Service and miscellaneous printed matter - [20th cent.]
10 - A short account of the ancient church of St Mary, Warwick - 1902
11 - The Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick: Brief History and Guide - Mid 20th cent.
12 - Copy of the "Warwick and Warwickshire Advertiser", Sept. 24 1904, recording the unveiling of the War Memorial to those who fell in the South African War, together with other paper relating to the occasion - 1904
13 - Appeal for subscriptions towards a parish room: printed sheet - 1911
14 - Copy of "The Times" May 29 1913 containing a letter from the Bishop of Worcester and others opening an appeal for money to restore the Beauchamp Chapel - 1913
15 - Cutting from The Birmingham Post 17 October 1933 concerning the acquisition by St Mary's Warwick of the charter of Roger Newburgh, Earl of Warwick, dated 1123 and a letter from Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick. [1455]. - 1933
16 - Lists of subscribers and advertisers, and balance sheets. - 1938-1951
17 - A few service sheets, mostly for Holy Week and Easter and for the Patronal Festival, 1950-1959; No Date; Selected Kalendar, 1954-55 - 1950-1959
Expand 18 - Parish magazines18 - Parish magazines
Expand 19 - Photographs19 - Photographs
Expand 20 - St Mary's Library20 - St Mary's Library
Expand 21 - Mr E.H. Adams, Custos and Bellringer21 - Mr E.H. Adams, Custos and Bellringer
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
Expand D17 - Seventeenth deposit (CR1830)D17 - Seventeenth deposit (CR1830)