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| | |  | 26 - Robert Madsey of Warwick and Margery his wife, late wife of John Lenche, granted to William Johnson of Warwick and John Smyth alias John Yong, John Cokkys, Richard Eton, William Wyntur, William Wotton, Richard Chapman, Thomas Carpenter, Henry Bilston and Thomas Englisshe, all of Warwick; 1 tenement in Smith Street between the tenement of the Gild of the Trinity and St. George and that of John Huggeford Esq. and extending from the street to a garden late of the feoffees of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. - [1489] |
| | |  | 28 - John Smyth alias John Yonge of Warwick, smith, demised to John lamys of Warwick, Ralph Rede, Richard Payn, William Bordesley, John Cokkys, Robert Plumer, John Cutte and John Ebrall; a small tenement with a shop adjoining, from the grant of Richard Norton, late of Warwick, plumber, deceased; situated in Smith Street between the tenement of the Dean and Chapter of St. Mary's on the east and that late of Richard Norton and now of John Norton his son on the west and extending from the street to the land late of Benedict Lee, now of Robert Throgmorton Esq. - [1500] |
| | |  | 32 - William Creke of Chesterton quitclaimed to Richard Lytle Alice, Edmund Godfrey, John Robyns, Edmund Carter, John Machyn, John Wryght, Thomas Brokes, William Bordesley, Benedict Gybbons, Thomas Poorse, Richard Plummer and Thomas Eburhall; 1 messuage in Smith Street between the king's road and the tenement late of John Beausoe Esq., extending from Smith Street to St. Nicholas' Street, late of Isabella Carpinter, widow, deceased. - [1518] |
| | |  | 37 - Edward Godfrey, Thomas Schotteswell, John Robyns and George Cokkes, all of Warwick, churchwardens of St. Nicholas' granted to William Underhyll gent., John Ebrehall, Thomas Brokes, Edward Carter, Thomas Ebrehall, Thomas Gybbons, Henry Cutte and Benedict Gybbons. [tenement in Smith Street as in DR115/52] which they had by grant from William Norton. - [1522] |
| | |  | 38 - Counterpart of Edward Godfrey, Thomas Schotteswell, John Robyns and George Cokkes, all of Warwick, churchwardens of St. Nicholas' granted to William Underhyll gent., John Ebrehall, Thomas Brokes, Edward Carter, Thomas Ebrehall, Thomas Gybbons, Henry Cutte and Benedict Gybbons. [tenement in Smith Street as in DR115/52] which they had by grant from William Norton. - [1522] |
| | |  | 39 - Thomas Englysshe of Warwick, feoffee, to Henry Cutt of Warwick, Thomas Cherall, Benedict Gybbyns, Thomas Shotteswell, Edward Carter, John Carter his son, George Cokkes and Robert Alee son of John Alee, all of Warwick; [property as in DR115/42] which William Johnson, John Smyth, John Yonge, John Cokkes, Richard Eton, William Wyntur, William Wotton, Richard Chapman, Thomas Carpenter and Henry Bilston, all of Warwick, now deceased had by charter dated 1489 from Robert Madsey of Warwick and Margery his wife. - [1524] |
| | |  | 41 - Robert a Lee of Beaconsfield [co. Buck.] gent. granted to Richard Townsend of the Borough of Warwick, yeoman, Richard Broke, yeoman, Richard Roo butcher, Thomas Bridgys, yeoman, Nicholas Pursloo tanner, Thomas Shottyswell, tanner, Ralph Townsend, yeoman, Richard Byker yeoman, Thomas Howe husbandman, John Hopkyns husbandman, John Townsend, son of Richard Townsend, John Roo son of Richard Roo, William Roo son of Richard Roo, John Brydgys son of Thomas Brydgys, William Brydgys son of Thomas Brydgys, Richard Collyns, Nicholas Allen and Richard Knyght; tenement in Smith Street, which Robert a Lee and others had by charter dated 24 April 16 Hen. VIII [1524] from Thomas Englysshe of Warwick, deceased. Appointment of attorneys to deliver seisin.< - [1570] |