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Collapse 00217 - PARISH OF ST NICHOLAS, WARWICK - 1539-199900217 - PARISH OF ST NICHOLAS, WARWICK - 1539-1999
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Collapse 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 1 - Valuations and rates1 - Valuations and rates
Expand 2 - Accounts and financial records2 - Accounts and financial records
Expand 3 - Faculties3 - Faculties
Expand 4 - Terriers & inventories4 - Terriers & inventories
Collapse 5 - Deeds of properties granted to St. Nicholas', of which the churchwardens appear to have been trustees.5 - Deeds of properties granted to St. Nicholas', of which the churchwardens appear to have been trustees.
1 - Churchyard, enlargement: conveyance (lease/release) by Henry Richard Earl of Warwick to the Vicar and Churchwardens of 39 perches of land in St. Nicholas', Warwick, 7/8 June 1824 - 1824
2 - Churchyard, burials: Orders in Council and correspondence - 1839-1874
3 - Slip of paper on which is written in a 17th century hand `These writings relate to a House in the Smith Street.' - 17th century
4 - Henry Bakynton of Warwick demised to Nicholas de Blacwell, Walker, Margery his wife and Thomas their son, of Warwick, for their lives, a tenement with houses on the yard adjoining, in Smith Street between the land of Roger de Swyneford and that of William de Wotton, and extending from the street to the land of Thomas Le Muleward. Rent: 4s p.a. - [1365]
5 - Margery, wife of Nicholas Blacwell quitclaims to Hugh Pyrmon, clerk [property as in the previous deed, which is here recited] - [1381]
6 - Thomas, son of Nicholas Blacwell and Margery his wife quitclaims to Hugh Prymen, clerk [property as in the demise of 1365 which it recites]. - [1381]
7 - Henry Bakyngton of Warwick quitclaims to Lord Hugh Pirman, chaplain, of Warwick [property as in the demise of 1365]. - [1382]
8 - John Brome of Warwick granted to John Tollas of Warwick and Margery his wife, a tenement in Smith Street between a tenement which Robert Hekeforthe had, and that of master John Pary with one end abutting on the street and the other on the land of Richard Parys. Rent: 12d p.a. - [1413]
9 - Draft of the previous deed. It is written on paper in rather a rough hand. There are a few differences, mostly of spelling, and some change in the list of witnesses, otherwise it is the same in all other respects - [1413]
10 - John Brome of Warwick granted to John Tollas of Warwick, 2 messuages adjoining in Smith Street, between the tenement of master John Pary and that of Robert Hekeforthe, extending from the street to the land of William Parys. Rent: 12d p.a. - [1413]
11 - John Tollas of Warwick granted to William Tollas his son a messuage in Smith Street, between the tenement of Thomas Huggeford and that of John Tollas, extending from the king's road to the land of William Parys Esq. - [1425]
12 - William Tollas of Coleshill son of John Tollas late of Warwick granted to John Lenche carpenter, John Baxter and Richard Barret chaplains, 1 messuage in Smith Street between the tenement of Thomas Huggeford and that of William Lemyste' which he held in the right of his wife Alice, and extending from the street to the land late of William Parys Esq. - [1441]
13 - William Tollas grants power of attorney to John Poers of Warwick to deliver seisin of the property described in the previous deed; dated the same. Seal on tongue. - [1441]
14 - Richard Baret of Warwick, chaplain, quitclaims to John Lenche of Warwick, carpenter [the property conveyed in the grant of 1441] which Baret and Lenche held jointly with John Baxter of Warwick, chaplain, deceased. - [1462]
15 - John Lenche of Warwick, carpenter, granted to Robert Cokkes and Thomas Derby a messuage in Smith Street, between the tenement of Thomas Huggeford Esq. and that of the Gilds of the Trinity and St. George, and extending from the street to the land late of William Parys Esq. deceased. - [1462]
16 - Robert Cokkes and Thomas Derby of Warwick granted to Margery Box, a messuage in Smith Street between the tenement of Thomas Huggeford Esq. and that of the Gilds of the Trinity and St. George of Warwick and extending from the street to the land of William Parys Esq., in anticipation of the messuage of Margery Box, widow of John Box late of Warwick, to John Lenche of Warwick. - [1462]
17 - Declaration that Robert Cokkes of Warwick and Thomas Derby of Warwick by their charter of even date granted to Margery Box, widow of John Box late of Warwick a messuage in Smith Street which the said Robert and Thomas had by grant from John Lenche. The said Margery is to be married to the said John Lenche of Warwick, the messuage being held to her and the legitimate issue of their marriage and in default of which to the right heirs of John Lenche [further terms are set out]. - [1462]
Expand 18 - Deeds numbered 28-32 were found tied together.18 - Deeds numbered 28-32 were found tied together.
20 - William Pend' citizen and clothier of London, granted to Richard Norton of Warwick, plumber, 2 tenements in Smith Street between the tenement of the Dean and Chapter of St. Mary's on the east and that of William Pend', in which Richard Illage now lives, on the west and extending from the street to the land of Elizabeth Lee widow of Benedict Lee, which two tenements were held by Margery Estop' and then by Rowland Worsley son and heir of Otewell Worsley Esq. and which William Pend' purchased from the said Rowland. - [1478]
21 - William Pende grants power of attorney to John Smyth of Warwick to deliver seisin [of the property conveyed in the previous deed] to Richard Norton. - [1478]
Expand 22 - Deeds numbered 35 and 36 were found tied together.22 - Deeds numbered 35 and 36 were found tied together.
23 - William Pend' quitclaims to John Smith the properties in Smith Street and High Pavement which were conveyed in the grant of 7 February [1479]. - [1479]
Expand 24 - Deeds numbered 38 and 39 were found tied together24 - Deeds numbered 38 and 39 were found tied together
Expand 25 - Deeds numbered 40 and 41were found tied together25 - Deeds numbered 40 and 41were found tied together
26 - Robert Madsey of Warwick and Margery his wife, late wife of John Lenche, granted to William Johnson of Warwick and John Smyth alias John Yong, John Cokkys, Richard Eton, William Wyntur, William Wotton, Richard Chapman, Thomas Carpenter, Henry Bilston and Thomas Englisshe, all of Warwick; 1 tenement in Smith Street between the tenement of the Gild of the Trinity and St. George and that of John Huggeford Esq. and extending from the street to a garden late of the feoffees of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. - [1489]
27 - William Johnson, John Smith alias John Yong, John Cokkys and Richard Eton, churchwardens of St. Nicholas demised to Robert Madsey and Margery his wife of Warwick, a tenement in Smith Street between the tenement of the Gild of the Trinity and St. George and that late of John Huggeford Esq. and extending from the street to a garden late of the feoffees of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, which property they had by charter from the said Robert and Margery dated on the Feast of St. Dunstan the archbishop last past. - [1488]
28 - John Smyth alias John Yonge of Warwick, smith, demised to John lamys of Warwick, Ralph Rede, Richard Payn, William Bordesley, John Cokkys, Robert Plumer, John Cutte and John Ebrall; a small tenement with a shop adjoining, from the grant of Richard Norton, late of Warwick, plumber, deceased; situated in Smith Street between the tenement of the Dean and Chapter of St. Mary's on the east and that late of Richard Norton and now of John Norton his son on the west and extending from the street to the land late of Benedict Lee, now of Robert Throgmorton Esq. - [1500]
29 - Thomas Shotteswell of Warwick sole feoffee of Isabella, widow of Thomas Carpynter, now wife of John Lee of Warwick, demised to John Sparowe and John Shotteswell of Warwick, a messuage and two cottages in Smith Street; the messuage lying between the king's road and the tenement of John Huggeford Esq. and extending from Smith Street to St. Nicholas' Street; the cottages between the land late of Richard Norton plumber on the east and Pukkelane on the west and extending from Smith Street to the land late of Benedict Lee and now of Robert Throgmorton Esq; which property Thomas Shotteswell had from the said Isabella by charter dated at Warwick on the Feast of St. Clement the Pope 8 Hen. VII [1492]. - [1500]
30 - William Norton, son and heir of John Norton granted to Thomas Commaunder of Warwick, Richard Johnson of Alcester, John Penryce of Tibberton [Co. Worcs.] yeoman and Richard Litilalys of Warwick, weaver; a tenement in Smith Street, which descended to him on the death of John Norton, his father. - [1507]
31 - Thomas Comaunder of Warwick, yeoman, Richard Johnson of Alcester, draper, John Penryce of Tibberton [Co. Worc.], yeoman and Richard Litilalys of Warwick, weaver granted to William Norton, son and heir of John Norton, and Margery the daughter of Elizabeth Hobday, now married to the said William Norton; a tenement in Warwick which they had from the grant of William Norton. - [1507]
32 - William Creke of Chesterton quitclaimed to Richard Lytle Alice, Edmund Godfrey, John Robyns, Edmund Carter, John Machyn, John Wryght, Thomas Brokes, William Bordesley, Benedict Gybbons, Thomas Poorse, Richard Plummer and Thomas Eburhall; 1 messuage in Smith Street between the king's road and the tenement late of John Beausoe Esq., extending from Smith Street to St. Nicholas' Street, late of Isabella Carpinter, widow, deceased. - [1518]
Collapse 33 - Documents number 49 and 50 were found tied together33 - Documents number 49 and 50 were found tied together
34 - Counterpart of Defeasance between John a Lee of Warwick and Richard LytleAlice, Edward Godfrey, John Robyns, Thomas Shottiswell all of Warwick. Recites a bond in £20 of even date, and witnesses that if Alee holds for his life a messuage in Smith Street which is seised to Richard LytleAlice and others for the use of the church of St. Nicholas by charter of Thomas Shottiswell, son and heir of John Shottiswell who in turn was son and heir of Thomas Shottiswell the last feoffee of Isabella Carpenter, late wife of John Alee, then the bond shall be void. The tenant to keep the property in good repair. - [1518]
35 - William Norton and Margery his wife quitclaim to Edmund Godfrey, Thomas Shotteswell, John Robyns and George Cokkes, churchwardens of St Nicholas'; 1 tenement in Smith Street between the tenement of Thomas Carpenter and John Mackyn on the west and a small tenant late of John Norton, father of the said William, on the east and extending from the street to the land late of Benedict Lee. - [1521]
36 - William Norton and Margery his wife grant to Edmund Godfrey, Thomas Shotteswell, John Robyns and George Cokkes, churchwardens of St. Nicholas'; 1 tenement in Smith Street between the tenement of Thomas Carpenter and John Mackyn on the west and a small tenant late of John Norton, father of the said William, on the east and extending from the street to the land late of Benedict Lee. - [1521]
37 - Edward Godfrey, Thomas Schotteswell, John Robyns and George Cokkes, all of Warwick, churchwardens of St. Nicholas' granted to William Underhyll gent., John Ebrehall, Thomas Brokes, Edward Carter, Thomas Ebrehall, Thomas Gybbons, Henry Cutte and Benedict Gybbons. [tenement in Smith Street as in DR115/52] which they had by grant from William Norton. - [1522]
38 - Counterpart of Edward Godfrey, Thomas Schotteswell, John Robyns and George Cokkes, all of Warwick, churchwardens of St. Nicholas' granted to William Underhyll gent., John Ebrehall, Thomas Brokes, Edward Carter, Thomas Ebrehall, Thomas Gybbons, Henry Cutte and Benedict Gybbons. [tenement in Smith Street as in DR115/52] which they had by grant from William Norton. - [1522]
39 - Thomas Englysshe of Warwick, feoffee, to Henry Cutt of Warwick, Thomas Cherall, Benedict Gybbyns, Thomas Shotteswell, Edward Carter, John Carter his son, George Cokkes and Robert Alee son of John Alee, all of Warwick; [property as in DR115/42] which William Johnson, John Smyth, John Yonge, John Cokkes, Richard Eton, William Wyntur, William Wotton, Richard Chapman, Thomas Carpenter and Henry Bilston, all of Warwick, now deceased had by charter dated 1489 from Robert Madsey of Warwick and Margery his wife. - [1524]
40 - John Alee of Warwick quitclaimed to Richard Lytelalice of Warwick, Edward Godfrey, John Robyns and Thomas Shoteswell, all of Warwick; 1 messuage in Smith Street which they had by the charter of Thomas Shotteswell, son and heir of John Shotteswell [see DR115/45]. - [1526]
41 - Robert a Lee of Beaconsfield [co. Buck.] gent. granted to Richard Townsend of the Borough of Warwick, yeoman, Richard Broke, yeoman, Richard Roo butcher, Thomas Bridgys, yeoman, Nicholas Pursloo tanner, Thomas Shottyswell, tanner, Ralph Townsend, yeoman, Richard Byker yeoman, Thomas Howe husbandman, John Hopkyns husbandman, John Townsend, son of Richard Townsend, John Roo son of Richard Roo, William Roo son of Richard Roo, John Brydgys son of Thomas Brydgys, William Brydgys son of Thomas Brydgys, Richard Collyns, Nicholas Allen and Richard Knyght; tenement in Smith Street, which Robert a Lee and others had by charter dated 24 April 16 Hen. VIII [1524] from Thomas Englysshe of Warwick, deceased. Appointment of attorneys to deliver seisin.< - [1570]
Expand 42 - Deeds relating to property in St. Nicholas' Street.42 - Deeds relating to property in St. Nicholas' Street.
43 - William de Cumpton, rector of the church of St. Peter of Warwick granted to Richard Le Ferour of Eldim and Margery his wife a croft of land in Cotton Street between the land of Richard Greyne and that of Robert de Cumpton, and extending from the land of the said Richard Ferour to the common field called Herdwykfeld. - [1390]
Expand 44 - Deeds numbered 76-81 were found tied together44 - Deeds numbered 76-81 were found tied together
Expand 45 - Deeds numbered 82 and 83 relate to Church Street [probably St. Nicholas' Street]45 - Deeds numbered 82 and 83 relate to Church Street [probably St. Nicholas' Street]
46 - Burge Street. Thomas Runton alias Thomas Carter of Bishops Tachebroke let to Hugh Runton alias Hugh Carter, son of John Runton alias Carter late of Warwick deceased, a tenement with garden adjoining in Burge street between the tenement of Richard Arnold and that of William Coke, and extending from the street to a little stream running next to the meadow of the Dean and Chapter of St. Mary, which the said Thomas (with Thomas Huggeford Esq., Robert Cokkes and Thomas Wade of Sutton Coldfield, now dead) had from the grant of John Runton (his brother). - [1495]
47 - Bond in 5 marks. John Wryght of Long Itchington, smith, to Ralph Marten, John Howe, John Brookes, and James Worden; to observe the conditions of a deed between the parties, of even date. - [1573]
48 - John Boteler and John Dustin, two of the collectors in the County of Warwick, have collected 19s 2d, half of the 15th granted to the king at the last parliament, for the village of Offchurch. - [1437]
49 - Bond in £10. William Wyatt of Stratford-on-Avon gent. to Richard Wright and William Savage of Warwick, yeoman; the condition is that Wyatt acquits Wright and the parishioners of St. Nicholas against Richard Baker and Richard Dawkes, touching the payment of £4-10s, being the last part of the money for the new casting of the fourth bell of St. Nicholas. - [1618]
50 - Bond in 20 marks. Richard Broke of Warwick, yeoman, to William Collins, Thomas Shotswell, Richard Byker and John Hopkins, churchwardens of St Nicholas'. - [1569]
51 - Bond in £20. John Hawe of Packwood to Thomas Offechurch, clerk. - [1397]
52 - Probate of the will of Thomas Offechurch, dated on Friday in the feast of St. James, the apostle, 1427. His body to be buried in the graveyard of the church of St. Gregory, Offchurch; before the chancel on the south side; he gives to the fabric of the church, 13s 4d; to the bridge at Offchurch 13s 4d; to the ornamenting of the high altar at Offchurch 6s 8d; to the Friars Minor of Coventry 3s 4d; to the Carmelite Friars of Coventry 3s 4d; to the Friars of Warwick 3s 4d; to the Poor of Offchurch two bushels of barley; endowment of a chaplain to celebrate mass for his soul, those of his parents and all his benefactors, in the church of St. Gregory for two years, to his executors 6s 8d; residue for payment of debts and then to Margery his sister and Cristine his servant equally. - 1427
53 - Final Concord. John Donnett and William Nason with Robert Bodington and Benedicta his wife. Messuage, garden, orchard, 6 acres of pasture in the parish of St. Nicholas', Warwick. - [1735]
54 - Church: insurance certificate - 1878
55 - File entitled "Insurance", containing a list of policies for church and contents and details of plate covered for fire and burglary. - 20th century
Expand 6 - Quinquennial survey reports6 - Quinquennial survey reports
Expand 7 - Specifications, plans, tenders7 - Specifications, plans, tenders
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, including photographs8 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, including photographs
Expand 9 - Sequestration papers9 - Sequestration papers
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Expand 8 - Highways8 - Highways
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