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Collapse 00226 - PARISH OF ST JOHN BAPTIST, WESTWOOD - 1845-197900226 - PARISH OF ST JOHN BAPTIST, WESTWOOD - 1845-1979
Collapse 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 1 - Registers1 - Registers
Collapse 3 - Benefice (property & income, inc glebe; union with other benefices)3 - Benefice (property & income, inc glebe; union with other benefices)
1 - The endowment of the Westwood Chapel. Package includes: many manuscript promises; printed first list of subscribers (4, 5 & 6 November 1840) together with illustration of proposed chapel; mss notes on the length & breadth of the district of Westwood; printed subscription plea to the 'Owners, Occupiers, and Cultivators of Land'; petition for Queen Anne's Bounty; two printed copies of Lord Leigh's hymn to be sung by the children at the laying of the foundation stone; printed copy of the Memorial sent to the Lord Bishop of Worcester; a printed account of monies subscribed (1 August 1841) [in effect, a mini-census of the whole of the parish of Stoneleigh, as inhabitants were noted even if not at home]; coloured plan of the district to be attached to the chapel, copied from Lord Leigh's map July 20 1846. - 1840-1847
2 - Letters from Eccesiastical Commissioners - 1930-1966
3 - Mortgage to purchase 180 Canley Road - 1 Oct 1963
4 - Envelope, mainly of correspondence relating to setting up of Westwood Chapel. Includes small envelope containing Lady Leigh's detailed mss notes of the programme for the 'Occasion of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of Westwood Church'. Also includes bundle desribed as 'These papers contain an account of the various attempts made by the Rev Vaughan Thomas and the Rev E Roy to obtain from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners an augmentation for the living of Westwood'.. Also includes bundle of marriage licences, 1848-1857. - 1843-1874
Expand 5 - Tithes5 - Tithes
6 - Correspondence with the Bishop & the Lord Chancellor about the chapel & chapelry of St John Baptist (one described as Transfer of Lord Leigh's Endowment Fund to Queen Anne's Bounty) - 1842-1848
7 - Office copy of the sentence of consecration - 25 Jul 1844
8 - Envelope containing papers relating to tithes - appears to be chiefly twentieth century - 20th century
Collapse 9 - Conveyances9 - Conveyances
10 - Alteration of the Kenilworth Road boundary of the parish. Includes plan. Includes copy of The London Gazette for Tuesday 8 November 1938. - 1938
11 - Two sequestration notices - 1946, 1964
12 - Printed subscription notice for chapel of ease - 1841
13 - Particulars of land in the parish of Stoneleigh, includes distances of roads, etc. n.d. [c.1840]; - [c.1840]
14 - Valuation at Westwood Vicarage - 14 Jan 1927
Expand 4 - Incumbent's working papers4 - Incumbent's working papers
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - School11 - School
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed