Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 00243 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, LEEK WOOTTON - 1581-197700243 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, LEEK WOOTTON - 1581-1977
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Collapse 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 2 - Accounts and financial records2 - Accounts and financial records
Collapse 3 - Faculties3 - Faculties
1 - Faculty for placing a memorial tablet - 2 Jan 1928
2 - Faculty for placing a memorial tablet. - 7 Jan 1929
3 - Faculty for creating a chancel screen, replacing the two front pews in the nave with chairs and widening the central aisle by six inches. - 15 Apr 1929
4 - Faculty for installing an electric light - 27 Oct 1930
5 - Faculty for a new pulpit, constructed partly out of the existing eighteenth century pulpit. - 30 Jun 1938
6 - Faculty for repairs to the organ in the parish church, partially rearranging it and installing an electric blower. - 9 Dec 1938
7 - Faculty for forming a baptistry at the west end of the church, installing two new radiators in the west end and against the north wall of the nave of the church, and removing existing iron railings round six tombs in the church yard. - 13 Aug 1940
8 - Faculty for the construction of a memorial gate to Kevitt Rotherham - 5 Apr 1951
9 - Faculty for moving the font in the parish church and forming a baptistry. - 26 May 1959
10 - Faculty for the introduction of a supplementary immersion heater system - 26 Aug 1959
11 - Faculty for improvements to the churchyard - 21 Jul 1966
12 - Faculty for the replacement of the ancient mechanical clock movement with a synchronous electric clock and electric striking device. - 5 Nov 1968
13 - Faculty to create good visibility at a dangerous blind corner, where the land from the church enters the main Warwick to Kenilworth road, by removing the earth on the existing high shoulder and levelling it off to a gentle slope. - 23 Feb 1966
14 - Faculty for the vicar and churchwardens to authorise the acceptance of gifts and the provision of a garden of rest. - 14 May 1971
15 - Citation (faculty not extant) for the replacement of eight pendant globes, each of 150 watts, in the nave, with eight 'drop spray' pendants comprising 5 x 100W lamps each, the replacement of the pendant globes in the tower and vestry with globes of a similar design, and the rewiring of the whole of the interior of the church. - 4 Dec 1973
4 - Terriers & inventories
Expand 7 - Specifications, plans, tenders7 - Specifications, plans, tenders
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous papers relating to the Churchwardens8 - Miscellaneous papers relating to the Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary organisations5 - Auxiliary organisations
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 12 - Statutory Deposits12 - Statutory Deposits
Expand 14 - Printed Material14 - Printed Material
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
Expand D8 - Eighth deposit (CR3834)D8 - Eighth deposit (CR3834)