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Collapse 00253 - BERKSWELL HALL ESTATE - 1860-197100253 - BERKSWELL HALL ESTATE - 1860-1971
Expand 1 - Account books - 1887-19461 - Account books - 1887-1946
Expand 2 - Day books - 1887-19252 - Day books - 1887-1925
Collapse 3 - Labour and Wages books - 1891-19363 - Labour and Wages books - 1891-1936
1 - Volume labelled "Labour Book Home Farm 3rd July 1891-29 Nov 1895" with printed heading on each pge within: "Account of labour on the Berkswell Hall Home Farm", containing weekly lists of employees, the work performed and wages paid. The work was agricultural: ploughing etc. - 1891-1895
2 - Volume labelled "Labour Book Home Farm Dec 1895-Dec 1902" with printed heading on each pge within: "Account of labour on the Berkswell Hall Home Farm". In the course of this volume the work recorded is that of general repairs to estate properties and equipment, felling trees, sawing etc., rather than purely agricultural work, for which see nos. CR2576/39-48 - 1895-1902
3 - Volume labelled "Labour Book Home Farm Jan 1903-Dec 1910" with printed heading on each pge within: "Account of labour on the Berkswell Hall Home Farm", recording employees doing repairs, sawing, felling trees etc. - 1903-1910
4 - Volume labelled "Berkswell Hall Estate and Home Farm, Wages Book" from Jan 1911-Aug 1918, recording employees doing repairs, sawing, felling trees etc. - 1911-1918
5 - Volume labelled "Berkswell Hall Estate and Home Farm, Wages Book" from Sept 1918-Oct 1922, recording employees doing repairs, sawing, felling trees etc. - 1918-1922
6 - Volume entitled "Works Wages Book" but containing weekly lists of employees, the work performed and wages paid, Jan 1923-March 1926 - 1923-1926
7 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages Apr 1899 to June 1901" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1899-1901
8 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages June 1901 to June 1903" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1901-1903
9 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages July 1903 to June 1905" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1903-1905
10 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages May 1907 to April 1909" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1907-1909
11 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages May 1909 to February 1912" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1909-1912
12 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages March 1912 to January 1915" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1912-1915
13 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages February 1915 to January 1917" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1915-1917
14 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages January 1917 to December 1918" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1917-1918
15 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages December 1918 to December 1920" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1918-1920
16 - Volume labelled "Farm Wages January 1921 to October 1922" with printed heading on each pge within: "Berkswell Hall Home Farm Labour" recording lists of employees, agricultural work done and wages paid - 1921-1922
17 - Estate and Home Farm wages book - 1930-1933
18 - Analysis of labour on the Berkswell Estate, including Hall and Home Farm - 1934-1936
19 - Volume headed 'Wages Analysis' - 1936-1952
Expand 4 - Rents - 1882-19244 - Rents - 1882-1924
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Berkswell Manor - 20th century6 - Berkswell Manor - 20th century
Expand 7 - Plans and sale catalogues - 1860-19347 - Plans and sale catalogues - 1860-1934
Expand 8 - Land tax redemption8 - Land tax redemption
Expand 9 - Cultivation of Land Orders, 1939 - 1940-19449 - Cultivation of Land Orders, 1939 - 1940-1944
Expand 10 - Photographs10 - Photographs