Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 00255 - RUGBY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - 1833-197200255 - RUGBY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - 1833-1972
Expand 1 - Registers and Church Membership Records1 - Registers and Church Membership Records
Expand 2 - Church Administration - 1865-19752 - Church Administration - 1865-1975
Expand 3 - Church Societies3 - Church Societies
Expand 4 - Charities - 1891-19234 - Charities - 1891-1923
Collapse 5 - Printed and Historical Items - 1833-19665 - Printed and Historical Items - 1833-1966
Collapse 2 - Other2 - Other
Expand 1 - Leaflets and circulars1 - Leaflets and circulars
Expand 2 - Rugby Congregational Church yearbooks2 - Rugby Congregational Church yearbooks
Collapse 3 - Miscellaneous printed items3 - Miscellaneous printed items
1 - 'Christian Patriotism; A Sermon' by the Revd John Harris, D.D. - 1842
2 - Miscellaneous printed items - 1865-1875
3 - Posters and handbills for events connected with the church - 1865-1882
4 - Posters and handbills for events connected with the church - 1865-1882
5 - Notices inviting tenders for the new church, 28 August 1866 - 1866
6 - Order of service at the laying of the foundation stone, 25 October 1866 - 1866
7 - Church sittings: tickets [with plate for engraving], seat rent note, notices - circa 1867
8 - Blank service sheets - 1860s
9 - Invitation to a 'Tea and Conversazione' at the Parsonage House - 1875
10 - Seven short articles published by the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control, in a wrapper addressed to Mr George Syred. - 1875
11 - Report of a special committee of the Congregational Union on intemperance, 5 June 1877 - 1877
12 - Appeal for funds for the Sunday School - 1878
13 - 'Kenning's Rugby Family Almanack' for 1879 - 1879
14 - W & A Gilbey's wine catalogue of 1880 (stamped with the name of C McKinnell, grocer, of 27 Sheep Street, Rugby, the local agent) - 1880
15 - Account of the foundation of Rugby Congregational Church read at a meeting on 20 November 1935 [typescript] - 1935
16 - Report of the Evangelism Committee presented to the Church Meeting on 25 September 1946 [typescript] - 1946
17 - Rugby Congregational Church centenary booklet - 1965
18 - 'Wayside Pulpit' posters produced by the Free Church Council [reused as wrappers] - circa 1980
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous printed items3 - Miscellaneous printed items
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous - 1865-19736 - Miscellaneous - 1865-1973