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Collapse D1 - First deposit (CR3669)D1 - First deposit (CR3669)
1 - Abstract of Evidence for a bill to construct a railway between Hampton [Warwickshire] and Ashchurch [Gloucestershire] - c.1846 June 15
2 - Abstract of deposit: Rugby, Warwick and Worcester - c.1846
3 - Abstract of deposits: Rugby, Warwick and Worcester - c.1846
4 - Abstract of deposits: Warwickshire and London: Worcester to Weedon - c.1846
5 - Abstract of deposits: Worcester, Warwick and Rugby - c.1846
6 - Abstract of deposits: Warwick and Worcester (Bedfords) - c.1846
7 - Statement of the Opponents re. proposed line to Weedon - c.1846
8 - Oppositions: a list of names of those against the building by the Warwick and Worcester Railway Company of a line to Weedon - c.1846
9 - Opposition: a list of properties not referenced, by parish, on the plan submitted to Parliament by the Warwick and Worcester Railway in reference to the building of a line to Weedon - c.1846
10 - Population Tables (draft) per hundred and parish in the counties of Worcester, Gloucester and Warwick: Hampton and Ashcroft Railway - c.1846
11 - Population Tables per hundred and parish in the counties of Worcester, Gloucester and Warwick: Hampton and Ashcroft Railway - c.1846
12 - Tables of Comparative Population (draft): Worcester, Weedon, Northampton and Peterborough: Warwickshire and London Railways - c.1846
13 - Tables of Comparative Population within one mile on either side of the proposed railway (draft): Worcester, Weedon, Northampton and Peterborough: Warwickshire and London Railways - c.1846
14 - Order of Proof for Levels, Worcester to Weedon Railway - c.1846
15 - Proofs as to Cattle and Traffic (draft): Worcester and Weedon - c.1846
16 - Order of Proofs for Levels, Worcester to Weedon Railway - c.1846
17 - Memoranda for allegations in petitions: Worcester and Weedon with branches to Droitwich and Alveston - c.1846
18 - Memoranda for allegations in petitions: Warwick and Worcester Railway: - c.1846
19 - General Allegation no. 41: Worcester, Warwick and Rugby Railway: - c.1846
20 - List of Opponents: Worcester to Weedon Railway - c.1846
21 - Draft Petition on Standing Orders against the Bill submitted to the Houses of Parliament proposing the Warwick to Worcester Railway and branch line to Droitwich - c.1846
22 - List of petitioners whose information on the plans and sections for the proposed Warwick to Worcester Railway, with a branch to Droitwich, has been submitted incorrectly - c.1846
23 - List of lands, boundaries and levels that have been incorrectly numbered, calculated or not included in the plans and sections for the proposed Warwick to Worcester Railway - c.1846
24 - Petition of the owners, lessees and occupiers of land on an intended railway from Hampton to Ashchurch, to be called the Warwickshire and London Hampton and Ashchurch Railway - c.1846
25 - Petition of the Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway Company on the intended railway from Hampton to Ashchurch, to be called the Warwickshire and London Railway Hampton and Ashchurch Line - c.1846
26 - Report (copy) to the Standing Orders Committee concerning the Warwick to Worcester Railway - c.1846
27 - Index to Descriptive Report by the Hampton and Ashchurch Railway - c.1846
28 - Dates of commencement and abandonment of schemes in connection with the Warwickshire and London Railway Company lines - c.1846
29 - List of owners and occupiers indexed by the parishes following the route of the Hampton and Ashchurch Railway - c.1846
30 - List of Landowners in the parishes of Hampton in Arden, Barston, Honiley, Kenilworth, Hatton and Budbrook: Hampton to Ashchurch line - c.1846
31 - List of turnpike roads proposed to be crossed by the Hampton to Ashchurch line of the Warwickshire and London Railway - c.1846
32 - List of turnpike roads proposed to be crossed by the Hampton and Ashchurch Railway having not been previously included on the section deposited with the Clerk of the Peace of Worcester - c.1846
33 - List of landowners stating whether they oppose or support the building of the Hampton and Ashchurch Railway - c.1846
34 - Subscription Contract (copy) to undertake and maintain certain lines of the railway to be called the Warwickshire and London Railway: includes a list of the subscribers and the subscription amounts - 1845 Oct 20
35 - Brief in Opposition brought before the Committee on Railway Bills (Group 33) against the Bill brought by the Warwickshire and London Railway Company for the proposed opening of a line between Worcester and Weedon line - 1846
36 - Order for the Clerk of the Peace of Worcester to appear before the Select Committee on Petitions for Private Bills and to bring the plans, sections and reference books of the Warwick and Worcester Railway relating to the Droitwich Branch line - 1846 Feb
37 - Petition in Favour of the Warwickshire and London Railway, Worcester and Weedon Line, from the inhabitants of the city of Worcester - 1846 June
38 - Minutes of Evidence taken on Tuesday 16th June 1846 and relating to the Select Committee on the London and Warwickshire Railway Bills (Group 33) - 1846 June 16
39 - Minutes of Evidence taken on Monday 22nd June 1846 and relating to the Select Committee on the London and Warwickshire Railway Bills (Group 33) - 1846 June 22
40 - Note of Debenture [Warwickshire and London] to repay a loan to Messrs. Peto and Betts on behalf of Messrs. Overend Gurney and Company - 1852 Jan 14