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Collapse 00327 - MOORE & TIBBITS, SOLICITORS, WARWICK - 1322 - 20th century00327 - MOORE & TIBBITS, SOLICITORS, WARWICK - 1322 - 20th century
Collapse D2 - Leamington Spa deedsD2 - Leamington Spa deeds
Expand 1 - I - Great Feeding and Great Grounds1 - I - Great Feeding and Great Grounds
Collapse 2 - II - Binswood terrace and Binswood Crescent2 - II - Binswood terrace and Binswood Crescent
Expand 3 - III - Euston Terrace3 - III - Euston Terrace
Expand 4 - IV - Wellington Street and Brook Street4 - IV - Wellington Street and Brook Street
Expand 5 - V - Quarry Field5 - V - Quarry Field
Expand 6 - VI - Portland Place6 - VI - Portland Place
Expand 7 - VII - Clarendon Square7 - VII - Clarendon Square
Expand 8 - VIII - Holly Walk8 - VIII - Holly Walk
Expand 9 - IX - Strip of land near Milverton Brook9 - IX - Strip of land near Milverton Brook
Expand 10 - X - Land adjoining Lansdowne Crescent10 - X - Land adjoining Lansdowne Crescent
Expand 11 - XI - Lansdowne Crescent11 - XI - Lansdowne Crescent
Expand 12 - XII - Beauchamp Terrace and Clarendon Square12 - XII - Beauchamp Terrace and Clarendon Square
Expand 13 - XIII - Clarendon Square13 - XIII - Clarendon Square
Expand 14 - XIV - Beauchamp Square14 - XIV - Beauchamp Square
Expand 15 - XV - Land adjoining Lansdown Crescent15 - XV - Land adjoining Lansdown Crescent
Expand 16 - XVI - Part of Glovers Ground16 - XVI - Part of Glovers Ground
Expand 17 - XVII - Land for a school in Milverton17 - XVII - Land for a school in Milverton
Expand 18 - XVIII - Land for London & North Western Railway18 - XVIII - Land for London & North Western Railway
Expand D3 - Milverton deeds - 1836-1845D3 - Milverton deeds - 1836-1845
Expand D6 - Warwick Apprenticing CharitiesD6 - Warwick Apprenticing Charities
Expand D10 - Deeds of Warwick Printing Company, Theatre Street and Bowling Green Street, Warwick  - c1807-1965D10 - Deeds of Warwick Printing Company, Theatre Street and Bowling Green Street, Warwick - c1807-1965
Expand D16-23 - Manorial DocumentsD16-23 - Manorial Documents
Expand D? - LondonD? - London