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Collapse 00328 - SLATTER, SON & MORE, SOLICITORS, OF STRATFORD UPON AVON - 14th cent-20th cent00328 - SLATTER, SON & MORE, SOLICITORS, OF STRATFORD UPON AVON - 14th cent-20th cent
Collapse D1 - CR 1596: Deposit of 24 January 1975D1 - CR 1596: Deposit of 24 January 1975
Collapse 1 - Slatter Records1 - Slatter Records
Expand 1 - Management records for Slatter, Son & More and predecessors [excluding Prickett]1 - Management records for Slatter, Son & More and predecessors [excluding Prickett]
Collapse 2 - Clients' Records2 - Clients' Records
Expand 1 - Docketed  bundles of clients’ papers (in alphabetical order)1 - Docketed bundles of clients’ papers (in alphabetical order)
Expand 2 - Major groups of records for individual clients2 - Major groups of records for individual clients
Collapse 3 - Minor groups of records for individual clients3 - Minor groups of records for individual clients
1 - Bundle of papers relating to Ozelands Farm, and Marlcliff Farm, Bidford - 1873-1888
2 - Bundle of letters & promissory notes from John Adkins - 1880-1903
3 - Alcester, Stratford-upon-Avon & Warwick Junction Railway - 1865
4 - Letters to/about Thomas Allcock, plumber & glazier of Bidford - 1832-1833
6 - Bundle of papers concerning James Brown of Alcester, nurseryman, bankrupt - 1858-1859
Expand 7 - Broken bundle relating to Cooper family7 - Broken bundle relating to Cooper family
8 - Bundle of Papers concerning sale by Joseph Cresswell to Mr Knight of property at Studley - 1840-1841
9 - Papers relating to Ralph Dickenson and family - 1925-1964
Expand 10 - Papers relating to Dunnington, Salford Priors - 1783-188510 - Papers relating to Dunnington, Salford Priors - 1783-1885
Expand 11 - Bundle relating to G. W. England of Wellesbourne, surgeon - c. 185811 - Bundle relating to G. W. England of Wellesbourne, surgeon - c. 1858
12 - Evesham, Redditch & Stratford upon Avon Junction Railway - 1872-1875
13 - Bundle of papers relating to Evesham & Redditch railway - c. 1865-1870
14 - Papers relating to Barton Farm, Bidford - c. 1880
Expand 15 - Halford family of Shipston-on-Stour - 1832-186515 - Halford family of Shipston-on-Stour - 1832-1865
16 - Papers relating to John Jordan of Loxley, decd. 1839 - 1835-1840
17 - Papers relating to estate of John Langston of Alcester - 1837-1859
18 - Prosecution of Richard Lea of Wellesbourne - 1837
19 - Leamington, Warwick & Stratford-upon-Avon Railway - c. 1850
20 - Mills family of Bidford - 1840s-1871
21 - Bundle relating to Bidford property of Charles Allcock Oldaker (d. 1845) - c. 1845
22 - Papers relating to Charles Allcock Oldaker of Bidford, decd - 1845-1846
23 - Letters concerning Edward Stuart Parke - 1921
24 - Draft will and papers of Robert Porter of Castlebar, Co. Mayo - 1894
25 - Client’s bundle relating to administration of estate of William Ward Prickett - c. 1855
Collapse 26 - Draft deeds, etc., for 47 Regent Street, Leamington Spa, bought by Edwin Raper in 185726 - Draft deeds, etc., for 47 Regent Street, Leamington Spa, bought by Edwin Raper in 1857
Expand 27 - Papers of J. Rose  & Son, veterinary surgeons of Stratford-upon-Avon & Alcester - 1876-189227 - Papers of J. Rose & Son, veterinary surgeons of Stratford-upon-Avon & Alcester - 1876-1892
28 - Salford Priors Glebe Terriers - 17th cent.-18th cent.
Expand 29 - Broken bundle relating to Salford Priors29 - Broken bundle relating to Salford Priors
30 - Lloyds Bank Book for John Salt - 1911-1913
31 - Bundle of register certificates relating to Sims family and descendants - 1772-1866
Expand 32 - Copy deeds, Skipwith family - 1703-178832 - Copy deeds, Skipwith family - 1703-1788
33 - Executors’ vouchers for George Smith of Clifford Chambers - 1852
34 - Papers relating to Upper Avon navigation - 1897-1910
35 - Papers relating to proposed Warwickshire & London Extension & Worcester Junction Railway - 1845-1846
36 - Bundle of letters and receipts relating to Miss Esther Wilson - 1894-1923
37 - Ashwin v. Osborne in Queens bench - 1846
Expand 4 - Records of miscellaneous or unidentified clients4 - Records of miscellaneous or unidentified clients
Expand 3 - Case Papers3 - Case Papers
Expand 2 - Prickett Records2 - Prickett Records
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous records of uncertain or mixed provenance3 - Miscellaneous records of uncertain or mixed provenance
Expand 4 - Printed Items4 - Printed Items
Expand 5 - Plans, plans and other visual material     5 - Plans, plans and other visual material
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous and non-document material6 - Miscellaneous and non-document material
Expand D2 - CR 619: Clients’ papers and draft deedsD2 - CR 619: Clients’ papers and draft deeds
Expand D3 - CR 1888: Clients' papers and papers relating to proposed railwaysD3 - CR 1888: Clients' papers and papers relating to proposed railways
Expand D4&5 - CR 2028 and CR 2028A: clients papers from Slatter, Son and More. D4&5 - CR 2028 and CR 2028A: clients papers from Slatter, Son and More.
Expand D6 - CR 2330: draft deeds and legal papers - 1797-1960D6 - CR 2330: draft deeds and legal papers - 1797-1960
Expand D7 - CR3451: Clients' papers - 1565-1976D7 - CR3451: Clients' papers - 1565-1976
Expand D8 - CR 3451A: 8th deposit [added to the 7th deposit, but received indirectly via the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust] - 1702-1955D8 - CR 3451A: 8th deposit [added to the 7th deposit, but received indirectly via the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust] - 1702-1955
Expand D9 - CR 3689: Clients' papersD9 - CR 3689: Clients' papers