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Collapse 00331 - LARGE & MAJOR, SOLICITORS, LEAMINGTON SPA - 18th cent-19th cent00331 - LARGE & MAJOR, SOLICITORS, LEAMINGTON SPA - 18th cent-19th cent
Expand 1 - Board/Partnership1 - Board/Partnership
Collapse 2 - Client Papers2 - Client Papers
Collapse 1 - Major Clients1 - Major Clients
Expand 1 - Blencowe family 1 - Blencowe family
Expand 2 - Reid Family2 - Reid Family
Expand 3 - Sparrow family3 - Sparrow family
Collapse 4 - Williamson family4 - Williamson family
Collapse 1 - Correspondence1 - Correspondence
Collapse 1 - Letters written by William Williamson junior1 - Letters written by William Williamson junior
1 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 16th Dec 1872
2 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 20th Jan 1873
3 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 10th Mar 1873
4 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 9th Apr 1873
5 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 28th Apr 1873
6 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 11th Jun 1873
7 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 25th Jun 1873
8 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 4th Aug 1873
9 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 30th Sep 1882
10 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - c.1882
11 - Letter from W. Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - Apr 6th 1887
12 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 18th Apr 1887
13 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his father William Williamson senior - 5th Nov 1887
Expand 14 - Envelope addressed to W Williamson, auctioneer, Victoria House, Leamington Spa containing correspondence from his son William Williamson junior - 188814 - Envelope addressed to W Williamson, auctioneer, Victoria House, Leamington Spa containing correspondence from his son William Williamson junior - 1888
15 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his uncle John Cribb - 25th Aug 1873
16 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his sister Lizzie Williamson - 2nd Dec 1871
17 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his sister Carrie Williamson - 18th Mar 1873
18 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his sister Carrie Williamson - 6th Feb 1873
19 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his cousin Jennie [Hayward] - 22nd Nov 1871
20 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his cousin Jennie - 12th Dec 1872
21 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his cousin Jennie - 20th Jan 1873
22 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his cousin Jennie - 30th Jan 1873
23 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his cousin Jennie - 3rd Feb 1873
24 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his cousin Jennie - 24th Feb 1873
25 - Letter from William Williamson junior to his cousin Jennie - 21st Mar 1873
Expand 2 - Letters written by Harry Williamson 2 - Letters written by Harry Williamson
Expand 3 - Letters written by John Cribb3 - Letters written by John Cribb
Expand 4 - Letters written by Dorcas Williamson to her father William Williamson4 - Letters written by Dorcas Williamson to her father William Williamson
Expand 5 - Other family members and friends5 - Other family members and friends
Expand 2 - Photographs2 - Photographs
Expand 3 - Papers relating to William J. Williamson's business as an auctioneer and house agent3 - Papers relating to William J. Williamson's business as an auctioneer and house agent
Expand 4 - Personal papers4 - Personal papers
Expand 5 - Schedules of deeds5 - Schedules of deeds
Expand 6 - Printed material6 - Printed material
Expand 5 - Architectural plans of All Saints church, Leamington Spa5 - Architectural plans of All Saints church, Leamington Spa
Expand 6 - Local Railway Companies - various6 - Local Railway Companies - various
Expand 7 - Irish Society of London7 - Irish Society of London
Expand 8 - Memorial Hall, Augusta Place, Leamington8 - Memorial Hall, Augusta Place, Leamington
Expand 9 - Leamington Provident Dispensary9 - Leamington Provident Dispensary
Expand 2 - Minor Clients2 - Minor Clients
Expand 3 - Case Papers3 - Case Papers
Expand 4 - Other Printed Material4 - Other Printed Material