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Collapse 00392 - ELEANOR ARCHER OF WARWICK (1861-1960) - 1822-195200392 - ELEANOR ARCHER OF WARWICK (1861-1960) - 1822-1952
Expand 1 - Papers of Susannah de Tedney Archer - 1822-18551 - Papers of Susannah de Tedney Archer - 1822-1855
Expand 2 - Papers of Joseph Archer - 1849-18972 - Papers of Joseph Archer - 1849-1897
Collapse 3 - Papers of Eleanor Elizabeth Archer3 - Papers of Eleanor Elizabeth Archer
Expand 1 - Letters - 1870s-1950s1 - Letters - 1870s-1950s
Expand 1A - Diaries - 1882-19381A - Diaries - 1882-1938
Expand 2 - Papers regarding various employments - 1894-19122 - Papers regarding various employments - 1894-1912
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous poor law papers - 1839-19273 - Miscellaneous poor law papers - 1839-1927
Expand 4 - Literary activities - 1884-18954 - Literary activities - 1884-1895
Expand 5 - Papers relating to the 1906 Warwick Pageant - 1906-19075 - Papers relating to the 1906 Warwick Pageant - 1906-1907
Expand 6 - Papers relating to the Viavi treatment for women, 1890s - 1890s6 - Papers relating to the Viavi treatment for women, 1890s - 1890s
Expand 7 - Notice advertising Eleanor Elizabeth Archer's "High Class Registry Office and Information Bureau"7 - Notice advertising Eleanor Elizabeth Archer's "High Class Registry Office and Information Bureau"
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous local political ephemera - 1888-19288 - Miscellaneous local political ephemera - 1888-1928
Expand 9 - Local printed ephemera - 1852-19279 - Local printed ephemera - 1852-1927
Expand 10 - Church magazines - 1903-2810 - Church magazines - 1903-28
Expand 11 - Women's magazines etc - 1851-191311 - Women's magazines etc - 1851-1913
Expand 12 - Miscellaneous printed material, mainly of an "improving" nature - 1690-192412 - Miscellaneous printed material, mainly of an "improving" nature - 1690-1924
Expand 13 - Papers relating to Eleanor Elizabeth Archer's brothers - 1844-191513 - Papers relating to Eleanor Elizabeth Archer's brothers - 1844-1915
Collapse 14 - Photographs14 - Photographs