Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 00639 - PARISH OF ST ANDREW, RUGBY - 1612-199800639 - PARISH OF ST ANDREW, RUGBY - 1612-1998
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Collapse 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 1 - Valuations and rates1 - Valuations and rates
Expand 2 - Accounts & financial records2 - Accounts & financial records
Expand 3 - Faculties3 - Faculties
Expand 4 - Terriers & inventories4 - Terriers & inventories
Collapse 5 - Deeds & property records (including insurance)5 - Deeds & property records (including insurance)
1 - Church Organ: original bundle of bills (and some receipts), formerly bound with string into a kraft paper file (?c.1900), in connection with the purchase, delivery, installation and tuning etc. of an organ for the church and related alterations to the fabric (erection of galleries etc.) - woodwork, masonry, glazing, painting and labouring etc. - 1792-1795
2 - Organ - 1904-1909
3 - Organ: correspondence about alterations, cleaning, repairs etc. including specification on its reconstruction in 1926 - 1925-1932
4 - Copy of the Award or allotment of the new intended pews and sittings (by the Commissioners appointed by virtue of an Instrument "for enquiring into & ascertaining the claims of the several Propriertours to pews or sittings .... in the parish Church") - 1766
5 - Certificate of sale of four sittings in the singers' gallery - 1805
6 - Copy of the Award or Allotment of seats, pews and sittings etc. in the E gallery, 9 May 1820, endorsed with list of proprietors and tenants and ?claimed sittings - 1820
7 - Sittings - 1820
8 - Award and allotment of pews and sittings places gained by the enlargement of the church - 1834
9 - Memorandum of an estimate by James Sharp of the cost "of fitting Rugby Church with Gas Pipes. Brackets. Pillars. Burners. Carpenters work and all work requisit for Lighting the Church with Gas... 35 Lights" with a transverse sketch of a burner and ornamented angle bracket. - 10 Oct 1838
10 - Church Rebuilding Fund: Executive Committee minute book (provisional Committee minutes until 31 May 1870). - 1870-1881
11 - Pew-rent book (arranged alphabetically by name of holder) - 1891-1898
12 - Church Insurance - 1896-1904
13 - Employers' Indemnity Policy for the churchwardens - 17 June 1907
14 - Church Heating: report, correspondence, plan, bills and brochures on the extension of the heating system - 1929
15 - Parish Church Heating Fund - 1929-1930
16 - Letter and ticket respecting the appeal for £550 to pay off loans for purchase of site for a new Church House (printed). - 1932
17 - Mayor's Pew: plan of proposed pew, 1934; press cutting following its dedication. - 1934
18 - Scout hut at the south-west end of Holy Trinity Church: agreement of St. Andrew's churchwardens that the scouts should have free use of the same whilst they maintain their connection with Holy Trinity Church. - 1949
19 - Deed of covenant about restoration of St. Andrew's bells. - 1955
Expand 7 - Specifications, plans, tenders7 - Specifications, plans, tenders
Expand 9 - Sequestration papers9 - Sequestration papers
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous Churchwarden's working papers10 - Miscellaneous Churchwarden's working papers
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 6 - Constables6 - Constables
Expand 7 - Overseers of the poor7 - Overseers of the poor
Expand 8 - Highways Surveyors8 - Highways Surveyors
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory Deposits12 - Statutory Deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous