Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 01504 - RECORDS OF THE WILLANS WORKS, RUGBY - 1871 - 200901504 - RECORDS OF THE WILLANS WORKS, RUGBY - 1871 - 2009
Expand 1 - Corporate and Administrative records - 1874 - 19731 - Corporate and Administrative records - 1874 - 1973
Expand 2 - Financial records - 1894 - 19992 - Financial records - 1894 - 1999
Collapse 3 - Workforce records - 1887 - 20013 - Workforce records - 1887 - 2001
Expand 1 - Employees records - 1890s - 20001 - Employees records - 1890s - 2000
Expand 2 - Health and Welfare - 1903 - 20002 - Health and Welfare - 1903 - 2000
Expand 3 - Salaries - 1887 - 19623 - Salaries - 1887 - 1962
Collapse 4 - Staff administration - June 1946 - December 20014 - Staff administration - June 1946 - December 2001
Expand 4 - Property and Plant records - 1871 - 20094 - Property and Plant records - 1871 - 2009
Expand 5 - Production records5 - Production records
Expand 6 - Sales and Marketing records - 1880s - 20016 - Sales and Marketing records - 1880s - 2001
Expand 7 - Corporate Relations7 - Corporate Relations
Expand 8 - Additional donations - 1945-19948 - Additional donations - 1945-1994