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Collapse 01969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-199501969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-1995
Collapse 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Expand 2 - Board of Management (from the 1948 Management committee)2 - Board of Management (from the 1948 Management committee)
Expand 3 - Other committees3 - Other committees
Expand 4 - Finance4 - Finance
Expand 5 - Staff records5 - Staff records
Collapse 6 - Property6 - Property
Collapse 2 - Reports and files2 - Reports and files
1 - Hospital property?: bundle of deeds and wills relating to property at Castle End Kenilworth and at Somers Town in the parish of St. Pancras, Middlesex - 1807-1861
2 - Drainage and water supply: letter from the secretary to the Commissioners in Lunacy respecting the estimate for drainage works, 5th November. - 1889
3 - Drainage and water supply at the County Asylum: report by Mr. Rogers Field, 2 July. - 1889
4 - "Hatton Private Asylum" - ?c1900
5 - Hospital property: copy of return made by the Hospital which was required to be filled up by owners of land under section 26 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. - 1910
6 - Drainage and water supply: copy specifications belonging to the Clerk of the Works for a water tower and foundations, pumping machinery and mains and a circular steel tank, 4 November. - 1912
7 - Drainage and water supply: agreements for the erection of a water tower, the supply and erection of pumping machinery and mains and the supply of a water tank, May. - 1913
8 - File entitled "19 The Lodge" - 1913[1934]-1942
9 - File entitled "48 Heating G.N. Haden & Sons Ltd." - 1926-1928
10 - File entitled "53 Miscellaneous Orders Well Pump" - 1927
11 - "Report on operating results for the Visiting Committee..." - 1929
12 - Graph showing daily units of electricity metered and weekly coal consumption by the Consulting Engineer. - 1931
13 - File entitled "50 British Soot Blower" - 1931-1932
14 - "House for Deputy Medical Superintendent and garage for Junior Medical Officer. Messrs. Lewis and Walters, Lillington" - 1936-1943
15 - "Report and inspection on test pipes from Hot Water Service System - 1937
Expand 3 - Specifications and Plans3 - Specifications and Plans
Expand 4 - Proposals4 - Proposals
Expand 5 - Records relating to the Farm5 - Records relating to the Farm
Expand 6 - Stock and equipment records6 - Stock and equipment records
Expand 7 - Other records relating to Property7 - Other records relating to Property
Expand 7 - General Administration files7 - General Administration files
Expand 2 - Clinical Records2 - Clinical Records
Expand 3 - The Chapel3 - The Chapel
Expand 4 - Printed4 - Printed
Expand 5 - Photographic5 - Photographic
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)

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