Hierarchy Browser

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Use the +/- to open and close branches of the hierarchy and click on the text to view a record.

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Collapse 01973 - HOSPITAL OF ST CROSS, RUGBY - 1869-198601973 - HOSPITAL OF ST CROSS, RUGBY - 1869-1986
Collapse 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Expand 2 - Clinical Records2 - Clinical Records
Expand 3 - Printed3 - Printed
Expand 4 - Photographic4 - Photographic
Expand 6 - Library6 - Library
Expand 9 - The Infectious Diseases Hospital at Harborough Magna Rugby9 - The Infectious Diseases Hospital at Harborough Magna Rugby
Expand 10 - St Luke's Hospital10 - St Luke's Hospital
Expand 11 - St Mary's Maternity Hospital11 - St Mary's Maternity Hospital
Expand 12 - Brookfield Private Nursing Home at St Cross12 - Brookfield Private Nursing Home at St Cross
Expand 13 - Rugby Emergency Hospital: Private13 - Rugby Emergency Hospital: Private