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Collapse 02213 - BRITISH WATERWAYS BOARD - 1791-196202213 - BRITISH WATERWAYS BOARD - 1791-1962
Collapse 1 - Oxford Canal1 - Oxford Canal
Collapse 1 - Clerk's or Secretary's correspondence1 - Clerk's or Secretary's correspondence
Collapse 1 - Copies of Letter Books from the Canal Office1 - Copies of Letter Books from the Canal Office
1 - Letter Book containing copies of letters sent out by J. Dunsford - 1791-1801
2 - Letter Book - 1801-1813
3 - Letter Book of J. Dunsford to 1819 and after 1819 of John George Babb - 1813-1821
4 - Letter Book of J. G. Babb to 1826 and after 1826 of John Coppock - 1821-1834
5 - Letter Book of J. Coppock to 1837 and after 1837 of E. W. Lee - 1834-1841
6 - Letter Book of E. W. Lee - 1841-1851
7 - Letter Book of E. W. Lee - 1851-1863
8 - Letter Book of E. W. Lee to 1865 and after 1865 of Henry Robinson - 1863-1869
9 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1869-1872
10 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1872-1875
11 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1875-1878
12 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1878-1881
13 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1881-1884
14 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1884-1887
15 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1890-1893
16 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1893-1895
17 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1895-1896
18 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1896-1898
19 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1898-1899
20 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1899-1901
21 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1901-1903
22 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1903-1904
23 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1904-1905
24 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1905-1907
25 - Letter Book (wet copies) of Henry Robinson - 1907-1908
26 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1908-1909
27 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1909-1910
28 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1910-1911
29 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1911
30 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1911-1912
31 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1912
32 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1912-1913
33 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1913-1914
34 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1914
35 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1914-1915
36 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1915
37 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1915-1916
38 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1916
39 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1916-1917
40 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1917
41 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1917-1918
42 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1918-1919
43 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1919
44 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1919-1920
45 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1920-1921
46 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1921
47 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1921-1922
48 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1922-1923
49 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1923
50 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1923-1924
51 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1924-1925
52 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1925-1926
53 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1926
54 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1926-1927
55 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - Jul 1927
56 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1927-1928
57 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1928-1929
58 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1929
59 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1929-1930
60 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson - 1930-1931
61 - Letter Book (wet copies) of O. A. Anderson to Dec. 1931, and of F. V. Spiller from Jan. 1932, who signs as Manager & Secretary - 1931-1932
62 - Letter Book (wet copies) of F. V. Spiller - 1932-1933
63 - Letter Book (wet copies) of F. V. Spiller - 1933-1934
64 - Letter Book (wet copies) of F. V. Spiller - 1934-1935
65 - Letter Book (wet copies) of F. V. Spiller - 1935-1937
66 - Letter Book (wet copies) of F. V. Spiller - 1937-1938
67 - Letter Book (wet copies) of F. V. Spiller - 1938-1941
68 - Letter Book (wet copies) of F. V. Spiller - 1941-1944
Expand 2 - Letters received by the Clerk, Solicitor or Chairman of the Company at Oxford and Banbury2 - Letters received by the Clerk, Solicitor or Chairman of the Company at Oxford and Banbury
Expand 3 - Copies of letters sent out by the Clerk to the Company from the Canal Office, Oxford3 - Copies of letters sent out by the Clerk to the Company from the Canal Office, Oxford
Expand 2 - Clerk's or Secretary's accounts2 - Clerk's or Secretary's accounts
Expand 3 - Engineer's correspondence3 - Engineer's correspondence
Expand 4 - Engineer's accounts4 - Engineer's accounts
Expand 5 - Engineer's reports, returns and memoranda5 - Engineer's reports, returns and memoranda
Expand 6 - Engineer's plans6 - Engineer's plans
Expand 2 - Coventry Canal2 - Coventry Canal
Expand 3 - Warwick and Birmingham Canal3 - Warwick and Birmingham Canal
Expand 4 - Warwick and Napton Canal4 - Warwick and Napton Canal
Expand 5 - Birmingham and Warwick Junction Canal5 - Birmingham and Warwick Junction Canal
Expand 6 - Birmingham and Fazeley Canal6 - Birmingham and Fazeley Canal
Expand 7 - Birmingham Canal Navigations7 - Birmingham Canal Navigations
Expand 8 - Grand Junction Canal8 - Grand Junction Canal
Expand 9 - Grand Union Canal9 - Grand Union Canal
Expand 10 - Ashby Canal10 - Ashby Canal
Expand 11 - Docks and Inland Waterways Executive; British Transport Waterways; British Waterways Board11 - Docks and Inland Waterways Executive; British Transport Waterways; British Waterways Board
Expand 12 - Strays and Unidentified12 - Strays and Unidentified