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Collapse 02213 - BRITISH WATERWAYS BOARD - 1791-196202213 - BRITISH WATERWAYS BOARD - 1791-1962
Expand 1 - Oxford Canal1 - Oxford Canal
Expand 2 - Coventry Canal2 - Coventry Canal
Expand 3 - Warwick and Birmingham Canal3 - Warwick and Birmingham Canal
Expand 4 - Warwick and Napton Canal4 - Warwick and Napton Canal
Expand 5 - Birmingham and Warwick Junction Canal5 - Birmingham and Warwick Junction Canal
Expand 6 - Birmingham and Fazeley Canal6 - Birmingham and Fazeley Canal
Expand 7 - Birmingham Canal Navigations7 - Birmingham Canal Navigations
Expand 8 - Grand Junction Canal8 - Grand Junction Canal
Expand 9 - Grand Union Canal9 - Grand Union Canal
Expand 10 - Ashby Canal10 - Ashby Canal
Collapse 11 - Docks and Inland Waterways Executive; British Transport Waterways; British Waterways Board11 - Docks and Inland Waterways Executive; British Transport Waterways; British Waterways Board
Collapse 1 - District Inspectors' and Engineers' correspondence and memoranda1 - District Inspectors' and Engineers' correspondence and memoranda
Expand 1 - Water supply1 - Water supply
Expand 2 - Locks and Weirs2 - Locks and Weirs
Expand 3 - Bridges, tunnels and aqueducts3 - Bridges, tunnels and aqueducts
Expand 4 - Culverts4 - Culverts
Expand 5 - Wharves and depots5 - Wharves and depots
Expand 6 - Buildings and Works adjoining the Canal6 - Buildings and Works adjoining the Canal
Expand 7 - Canal crossings7 - Canal crossings
Expand 8 - Taking Water from the canal and feeders8 - Taking Water from the canal and feeders
Expand 9 - Storm water into canal and pollution9 - Storm water into canal and pollution
Expand 10 - Waterways properties and tenants10 - Waterways properties and tenants
Expand 11 - Coal Board and subsidence affecting the canal11 - Coal Board and subsidence affecting the canal
Expand 12 - Vulnerable points12 - Vulnerable points
Expand 13 - War damage and derelict buildings13 - War damage and derelict buildings
Expand 14 - Leaks from canal causing flooding14 - Leaks from canal causing flooding
Expand 15 - Complaints concerning canal maintenance15 - Complaints concerning canal maintenance
Expand 16 - Footpaths (Access to the Countryside Act, 1949)16 - Footpaths (Access to the Countryside Act, 1949)
Expand 17 - Fishing17 - Fishing
Expand 18 - Field Gates18 - Field Gates
Expand 19 - Bank protection19 - Bank protection
Collapse 20 - Dredging20 - Dredging
1 - All districts: Weed cutting and spraying - 1952-1961
2 - All districts: Dredging programme - 1956-1961
3 - Ashby Canal - 1950-1961
4 - Ashby Canal dredging - 1951-1954
5 - Atherstone - Hawkesbury - 1954-1955
6 - Baddesley Colliery basin at Atherstone: Dredging for N.C.B. - 1952
7 - Coventry Canal: Dragline dredging - 1951-1961
8 - Fazeley - Fradley and Fradley - Huddlesford - 1948-1950
9 - Fazeley: Purchase of land for a mud tip - 1951-1960
10 - Fazeley Junction - Huddlesford, Salford - Fazeley, etc: Dredging and mud tipping - 1952-1961
11 - Fazeley - Huddlesford Junction - 1959-1961
12 - Griff Arm: Dredging for N.C.B. - 1950-1958
13 - Huddlesford - Fradley Junction - 1948-1950
14 - Huddlesford Junction - 1951-1953
15 - Leicester Section: Mud tips - 1960-1961
16 - Market Harborough Arm: Inspection and notes on dredging and weed clearing - 1950-1961
17 - Marston Jabbett: Dredging and mud tip - 1957-1961
18 - Newdigate Arm: Dredging for N.C.B. - 1960
19 - Northampton Arm and Oxford section - 1959-1962
20 - Northern District: Dredging programme - 1954-1958
21 - Nuneaton, Judkins Wharf: Agreement for dredging and installing pump - 1953-1959
22 - Oxford Canal: Dredging and mud tipping - 1957-1962
23 - Polesworth - Atherstone - 1960
24 - Rugby District: Dredging programme - 1961
25 - Salford Bridge - Fazeley - 1951-1961
26 - Salford Bridge - Huddlesford and Fazeley - 1950
27 - Salford - Fazeley and Coventry Arm dredging - 1949-1951
28 - Welford Arm dredging, and mud disposal at Welford Wharf - 1952-1961
29 - Mud tips at: Barby, Hillmorton, Brinklow, Marston Jabbett and Stretton-under-Fosse - 1939-1961
30 - Inspection of Northampton Arm, hand-dredging at Blisworth etc - 1946-1952
31 - Miscellaneous dredging correspondence - 1949-1951
32 - Dredging for N.C.B. at Griff, Pooley Hall and Baddesley - 1953-1958
33 - Navigation difficulties at Mancetter, Bedworth and Baddesley - 1956
34 - Divisional dredging returns - 1959-1962
35 - Staff lists: Northampton, Hatton and Oxford Sections - 1961
36 - Divisional dredging and maintenance returns - 1961-1965
Expand 21 - Surveys, works programmes, inventories, stores, etc.21 - Surveys, works programmes, inventories, stores, etc.
Expand 22 - Finance22 - Finance
Expand 23 - Ice-Breaking23 - Ice-Breaking
Expand 24 - Boats and Boatmen24 - Boats and Boatmen
Expand 25 - Traffic25 - Traffic
Expand 26 - Fleet management26 - Fleet management
Expand 27 - Pleasure craft27 - Pleasure craft
Expand 28 - Accidents to workmen and boatmen28 - Accidents to workmen and boatmen
Expand 29 - Accidents to public and their property29 - Accidents to public and their property
Expand 30 - Drowning accidents and life-saving equipment30 - Drowning accidents and life-saving equipment
Expand 31 - Tow-path gates31 - Tow-path gates
Expand 32 - Trespassers and damage to Waterways property32 - Trespassers and damage to Waterways property
Expand 33 - Staff33 - Staff
Expand 34 - Engineer's meetings and conferences34 - Engineer's meetings and conferences
Expand 35 - Inspections of Waterways35 - Inspections of Waterways
Expand 36 - Maps and plans36 - Maps and plans
Expand 37 - Clean Air Act37 - Clean Air Act
Expand 38 - British Rail38 - British Rail
Expand 39 - Nuneaton Borough39 - Nuneaton Borough
Expand 40 - Miscellaneous files40 - Miscellaneous files
Expand 41 - Index to files41 - Index to files
Expand 42 - Stray papers42 - Stray papers
Expand 43 - Printed material43 - Printed material
Expand 12 - Strays and Unidentified12 - Strays and Unidentified

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