Hierarchy Browser

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1 - Photograph of College, Binswood Avenue - 1870s
2 - Photograph of The Parade - Late 19th Century
3 - Photograph of The Parade - Late 18th Century
4 - Photograph of Church - Pre 1870
6 - Postcard of Pump Rooms and Church - 1890s / 1900s
7 - Postcard of Victoria Bridge - 1904
8 - Postcard of Suspension Bridge and Weir - 1909
9 - Postcard of General View of Leamington - 1905
10 - Postcard of Pump Room and Baths - 1905
11 - Postcard Suspension Bridge and Weir - Early 20th Century
12 - Photograph of Police Force - 1897
13 - Postcard of Parade and Town Hall - 1905-1930
14 - Postcard of Avenue Road - 1928
15 - Photograph of Library, Avenue Road - Pre 1930
16 - Photograph of Pump Room, Gardens - 1920s-1930s
17 - Postcard of Suspension Bridge and Weir - 1913
18 - Postcard of Victoria Bridge - 1905-1930
19 - Photograph of Willes Bridge - 1920s-1930s
20 - Photograph of Adelaide Bridge - 1920s-1930s
21 - Photograph of Clarendon Square - Mid 20th Century
22 - Photograph of War Memorial, Euston Place - 1922-1923
23 - Photograph of Leicester Street - 1920s-1930s
24 - Photograph of Holly Walk - 1920s-1930s
25 - Photograph of Parade - 1930s
26 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
27 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
28 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
29 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
30 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
31 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
32 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
33 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
34 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
35 - Photograph of Grove Street, no.52-54 - 09/03/1967
36 - Photograph of Newbold Terrace - 06/02/1967
37 - Photograph of Grove Street, no.52-54 - 09/03/1967
38 - Postcard of The Parade - 1905
39 - Postcard of The Parade - 1964
40 - Postcard of The Parade - 1905-1930
41 - Photograph of The Parade - 1920-1927
42 - Photograph of The Parade - 1920-1927
43 - Photograph of The Parade and Euston Place - 1922-1923
44 - Photograph of The Parade - c.1922-1923
45 - Photograph of The Parade - Pre1930
46 - Photograph of The Parade - 1932-1935
47 - Photograph of The Parade - c.1930s
48 - Photograph of Regent Grove - July 1922
49 - Photograph of The Parade - c.1905
50 - Postcard of The Parade - 14/07/1905
51 - Postcard of The Parade - 20/09/1905
52 - Postcard of The Parade - 1905
53 - Photograph of The Parade - 1920-1927
54 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - c.1930s
55 - Photograph of The Parade - c.1931
56 - Photograph of Victoria Terrace - July 1922
57 - Photograph of Victoria Terrace - 1931-1935
58 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - c.1920s
59 - Postcard of Lillington Road - c.1910
60 - Postcard of Jephson Gardens - c.1910
61 - Postcard of Jephson Gardens - c.1910
62 - Postcard of Jephson Gardens - c.1910
63 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - c.1910
64 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 19th/20th Century
65 - Postcard of Lillington Road - 1909
66 - Photograph of The Parade - Pre-1905
67 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - Pre-1930
68 - Photograph of Dormer Place - Early 1920s
69 - Photograph of Victoria Bridge - 1905-1930
70 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 1932
71 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 1920s?
72 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - c.1920s-1930s
73 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 1920s
74 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens and Pump Room - c.1920s
75 - Postcard Jephson Gardens - Mid 20th Century
76 - Postcard of The Parade - 1905-1930
77 - Postcard of Pump Room Gardens - 1904-1914
78 - Postcard of The Parade - c.1914-1918
79 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - 1922?
80 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 1930s?
81 - Photograph of Victoria Bridge - Pre-1905
82 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - Pre-1905?
83 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - c.1920s
84 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 1920s?
85 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - c.1920s
86 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - 1920s-1930s
87 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 1922
88 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - c.1920s
89 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens
90 - Photograph of The Parade - 1920s
91 - Photograph of The Parade and Pump Room Gardens - 1920s
92 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - 1920s
93 - Photograph of River - 1909-1918
94 - Photograph of Jephson Gardens - 1920s-1930s
95 - Photograph of Pump Room Gardens - 1920s-1930s
96 - Photograph of Spencer Street - 1930-1937
97 - Postcard of Church - 19th/20th Century
98 - Postcard of Church - 1907
99 - Photograph of Church - 1908
100 - Postcard of Church - c.1920s
101 - Photograph of Church - 1902-1905
102 - Photograph of Church - 1902-1905
103 - Photograph of Church - 1930s?
104 - Photograph of Church - 1920s
105 - Photograph of Church and Pump Room - 1920s
106 - Postcard of Church - c.1920s
107 - Postcard of Church and River - Mid 20th Century?
108 - Postcard of Victoria Bridge - Pre-1905
109 - Photograph of Church - Pre-1898
110 - Postcard of St Paul's Church - 19th / 20th Century
111 - Postcard of Church - Post-1902
112 - Postcard of Church, Post Office and Original Spring - 1902-1905
113 - Photograph of Church - 1898?
114 - Photograph of Church Interior - 19th / 20th Century
115 - Photograph of Church Interior - 19th / 20th Century
116 - Postcard of Church - 1914
117 - Postcard of Holy Trinity Church - Post-1913
118 - Postcard of Holy Trinity Church - Pre-1913
119 - Postcard of St John's Church - Early 20th Century
120 - Postcard of Holy Trinity Church - Pre-1913
121 - Postcard of Holy Trinity Church - 1847
122 - Postcard of St Alban's Church - Early 20th Century
123 - Postcard of Midland Counties Home for Incurables - Early 20th Century
124 - Photograph of St Mark's Church - Pre-1918
125 - Photograph of St Mark's Church - c.1930
126 - Photograph of St Mary's Church - Early 20th Century?
127 - Photograph of St Mary's Church - Early 20th Century
128 - Photograph of Clemens Street Congregational Church - 1966
129 - Photograph of Clemens Street Congregational Church - 1966
130 - Photograph of Spencer Street Congregational Church - Mid 20th Century
131 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - Late 19th Century
132 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - Late 19th Century
133 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - 1966?
134 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - 1966?
135 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - 1966?
136 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - January 1966
137 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - January 1966
138 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - 1966
139 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - 1966
140 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - January 1966
141 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - January 1966
142 - Photograph of Dale Street Methodist Church - January 1966
143 - Photograph of Kenilworth Street Methodist Church - c.1967
144 - Photograph of Warwick Street Methodist Church - c.1967
145 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
146 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
147 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
148 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
149 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
150 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
151 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
152 - Photograph of Gunnery Farm - 1961
153 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - 17/10/1967
154 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - 17/10/1967
155 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - 17/10/1967
156 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - 17/10/1967
157 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - 17/10/1967
158 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - 17/10/1967
159 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - February 1960
160 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - February 1960
161 - Photograph of The Parade - 04/08/1967
162 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - May 1960
163 - Photograph of Railway Bridges - January - March 1968
164 - Photograph of Avenue Road Railway Station - January - March 1968
165 - Text regarding Avenue Road Railway Station - 1968
166 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
167 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
168 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
169 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
170 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
171 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
172 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
173 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
174 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
175 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
176 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
177 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
178 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
179 - Photograph of Thornbank House - April 1976
180 - Photograph of Windmill, Tachbrook Road - 20/12/1968
181 - Photograph of Windmill, Tachbrook Road - 19/12/1968
182 - Photograph of Windmill, Tachbrook Road - 1930
183 - Photograph of Windmill, Tachbrook Road - 1930
184 - Photograph of Windmill, Tachbrook Road - December 1968
185 - Photograph of Windmill, Tachbrook Road - December 1968
186 - Photograph of Leamington College for Girls - September 1963
187 - Photograph of Newbold Comyn House - 1965
188 - Photograph of Newbold Comyn House - 1965
189 - Photograph of Newbold Comyn House - 1965
190 - Photograph of Newbold Comyn House - 1965
191 - Photograph of Milverton - 1965
192 - Photograph of Newbold Comyn House - 1965