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Collapse 2 - Documents of Title2 - Documents of Title
Collapse 2 - Warwickshire2 - Warwickshire
Expand 1 - Bilton1 - Bilton
Expand 2 - Budbrooke2 - Budbrooke
Expand 3 - City of Coventry3 - City of Coventry
Collapse 4 - Newbold Upon Avon4 - Newbold Upon Avon
1 - Letters Patent: Pardon of Alienation - 8 Feb 1630
2 - Lease for 1 Year [from Lease and Release] - 21 Jan 1698
Expand 3 - Original bundle entitled "Mr. Townsend B" and "Old Deeds Long Lawford no. 11" relating to property sold by the Smart family to the Atkins family. - 1573-1697/83 - Original bundle entitled "Mr. Townsend B" and "Old Deeds Long Lawford no. 11" relating to property sold by the Smart family to the Atkins family. - 1573-1697/8
Expand 4 - Reconstituted bundle respecting property of the Ireland Family - 1609-17124 - Reconstituted bundle respecting property of the Ireland Family - 1609-1712
Expand 5 - Original bundle of records mostly relating to the property of the Atkins family and to which several relevant deeds from other bundles have been added: entitled "Deeds Purchase of Brook Furlong and other parcels of land. 1700- No. 9..." - 1618-1683/45 - Original bundle of records mostly relating to the property of the Atkins family and to which several relevant deeds from other bundles have been added: entitled "Deeds Purchase of Brook Furlong and other parcels of land. 1700- No. 9..." - 1618-1683/4
Expand 6 - Original bundle entitled "Old Deeds Lawford" - 1625-16846 - Original bundle entitled "Old Deeds Lawford" - 1625-1684
Expand 7 - Original bundle entitled "No. 8th Mortgage Purchase of Lands Priors Marston. Old deeds Wm. Townsend Bilton" - 1641-17737 - Original bundle entitled "No. 8th Mortgage Purchase of Lands Priors Marston. Old deeds Wm. Townsend Bilton" - 1641-1773
Expand 8 - Original bundle entitled "Ann Townsend to Wm. Townsend. Atkins [deleted] and Ruffheads Deeds No. 2" and on papers within "Rye Close Writings" and "These Writings belong to a Purchase of a Quartern of Land brought at twice [?] of Richard Croffts of Long Lawford" - 1608-17728 - Original bundle entitled "Ann Townsend to Wm. Townsend. Atkins [deleted] and Ruffheads Deeds No. 2" and on papers within "Rye Close Writings" and "These Writings belong to a Purchase of a Quartern of Land brought at twice [?] of Richard Croffts of Long Lawford" - 1608-1772
Expand 9 - Original bundle of miscellaneous papers entitled "No. 3 Old Deeds L[ong] Lawford" - 1650-17789 - Original bundle of miscellaneous papers entitled "No. 3 Old Deeds L[ong] Lawford" - 1650-1778
Expand 10 - Original bundle containing two bundles within, the first entitled "Rye Close - Long Lawford late Mr. J. Parson's" relating to the property of the Francis family of Long Lawford formerly of the Clarkes.10 - Original bundle containing two bundles within, the first entitled "Rye Close - Long Lawford late Mr. J. Parson's" relating to the property of the Francis family of Long Lawford formerly of the Clarkes.
Expand 11 - Deeds found loose mostly relating to Rye or Holly Hill Close, to which three deeds from Cr 1071/15 have been added. - 1700/1-177211 - Deeds found loose mostly relating to Rye or Holly Hill Close, to which three deeds from Cr 1071/15 have been added. - 1700/1-1772
12 - Release from Thomas Webb of Long Lawford, yeoman, and Mary his wife to Sir William Boughton of Long Lawford Bart. of closes and meadow containing 1/2 yardland now called Cow Pasture, Thurne Mill Leyes and the Nether End of Hollowe Brooke Meadows with commons etc. - 1 Feb 1705/6
Collapse 13 - Original bundle of deeds relating to the sale to William Townsend of Bilton of Clay Hill Close and Townside Meadow (formerly Middle Furlong) - 1751-184713 - Original bundle of deeds relating to the sale to William Townsend of Bilton of Clay Hill Close and Townside Meadow (formerly Middle Furlong) - 1751-1847
1 - Copy conveyance by lease and release from Richard Francis of Churchover, gentleman and Mary his wife from John Walker and George Worth at Francis's request, to Joseph Southall of Coventry, maltster, and Jane his wife. Also a copy indenture of fine - 25 Sep 1751-26 Sep 1751
2 - The premises mentioned in CR1071/12//1-2 had been mortgaged by Francis to Edward Sawbridge of Daventry esq., who is now owed 562.6s.8d; on the payment of this sum by Southall, Sawbridge at the nomination of Francis and Southall, assigns the mortgage to Southall's trustee, William Hall of Polesworth, gentleman, of one of the messuages and closes etc. - 2 Oct 1751
3 - Group of copy documents respecting the Bennett family - 1763, 1766-1777, 1750's-1828
4 - Copy covenant to lead the uses of a common recovery, the three Bennett sisters being co-partners and heirs-in-tail of the property, subject to Mary Bennett's widow's dower - 9 Jun 1820
5 - Recovery: the three Bennett sisters being co-partners and heirs-in-tail of the property, subject to Mary Bennett's widow's dower - [1820]
6 - Covenant to produce deeds relating to a release of even dating from Thomas Walker of Newbold Grange, esq. to Thomas C. Roche and Mary his wife, Sarah Bennett and Martha Bennett of Daventry, on the purchase by Thomas Walker of Cley Hill Meadow, Ley Meadow, Barn Ground, Great Cley Hill and Little Cley Hill - 18 Oct 1820
7 - Copy probate of the will of Thomas C. Roche of Daventry, gentleman; declaration of Sarah Bennett, spinster; Abstract of the title of the trustees of the will of the late T.C. Roche - 1847
8 - Agreement for sale of property; Conveyance by the sisters and the trustees under the will of T.C. Roche to William Townsend of Bilton, agent, of Clay Hill Close and Townside Meadow (formerly Middle Furlong); memorandum of receipt of rent money by C.B. Roche. - 12 Apr 1847, 15 Oct 1847, 19 Oct 1847
Expand 14 - Documents found loose relating to Barn Close(s) and in some cases Cranham Meadow - 1758-180814 - Documents found loose relating to Barn Close(s) and in some cases Cranham Meadow - 1758-1808
15 - Bond [found loose] between William Townsend of Long Lawford, gentleman, and Thomas Green of Welton, Northamptonshire, yeoman, and William Muddiman of the same place, yeoman, to secure £200 - 1759
Expand 16 - Original bundle of deeds relating to various closes purchased by William Townsend. - 1687/8-180416 - Original bundle of deeds relating to various closes purchased by William Townsend. - 1687/8-1804
17 - Marriage settlement of John Smith of Newton, grazier and Mary Martin of Clifton-on-Dunsmore, widow, daughter of Thomas Townsend - 8 Sep 1779
Expand 18 - Original bundle entitled "William Townsend Esq". Settlement and deeds relating to an estate at Long Lawford - 1785-184518 - Original bundle entitled "William Townsend Esq". Settlement and deeds relating to an estate at Long Lawford - 1785-1845
19 - Indenture of fine between William Butlin, plaintiff, and William Luck and Elizabeth his wife and Richard Martin, deforciants, of a messuage, shop, stable, malthouse etc. and lands in Long Lawford - [1805]
20 - Agreements for leases [the second not executed] between William H. Worth Townsend of King's Newnham gentleman and John Frith of Long Lawford, farmer [1876] and William Beasley of Long Lawford, farmer [1877] of a farm yard, farm buildings and lands of 123 acres in 1876 and 95 acres in 1877 - 23 Oct 1876, 1877
Expand 5 - Rugby5 - Rugby
Expand 6 - Wolston6 - Wolston
Expand 7 - Wolston and Ryton Upon Dunsmore7 - Wolston and Ryton Upon Dunsmore
Expand 3 - Buckinghamshire3 - Buckinghamshire
Expand 4 - Kent4 - Kent
Expand 5 - Northamptonshire5 - Northamptonshire
Expand 6 - Unknown location6 - Unknown location
Expand 3 - Wills, Settlements and Executorship Papers3 - Wills, Settlements and Executorship Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Family And Personal Records7 - Family And Personal Records
Expand 8 - Official Papers8 - Official Papers
Expand 9 - Other Organisations9 - Other Organisations
Expand 10 - Printed and pictorial Material10 - Printed and pictorial Material
Expand 11 - Packaging11 - Packaging