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| | | | |  | 9 - Lease and release from Robert Atkins of Sapcote, Leicestershire, husbandman, son and heir of Robert Atkins who was attained for felony and murder, to William Mowe of Church Longford, grazier, of the messuage late of Robert Atkins deceased, a little close, 1/4 yardland and all those lately enclosed plots of land called Cleyne Furlong, Middle Furlonge, Avon Furlonge, and the Rye Close containing about 16 acres now in the tenure of John Bagshaw and George Matthews, allotted in lieu of the said 1/4 yardland - 18 May 1682-19 May 1682 |
| | | | |  | 11 - Feoffment (for 6 months) from Elizabeth Attkins of Long Lawford, widow and Edward Attkins her son to Henry Pratt of Newton, yeoman, William Cattell of Hillmorton, yeoman, and William Townesend of Long Lawford, yeoman, of a messuage, Bullocks Close, a quarter of a yardland, 1/2 a quarter of a yardland, heretofore of Richard Crafts, 1/2 a yardland, heretofore with the said messuage part of the inheritance of Sir Edward Seymore [sic] Earl of Hertford - 8 Feb 1682/3 |
| | | | |  | 13 - Feoffment for 6 months prior to release from William Townesend of Long Lawford, yeoman, and Abigail Townesend of the same place, widow, his mother, to William Cattell of Hillmorton, yeoman, and John Lucas of Toft, yeoman, of a messuage now in the occupation of Thomas Marriott and 3 closes called Towneside, Brooke Furlonge and Middle Furlonge containing 22 acres - 14 Mar 1683/4 |