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| | | | |  | 2 - Indenture of fine between Edward Chamberlaine gentleman and Robert Wilcox gentleman, querents, and Fisher Wentworth esq and Silence his wife, Johnathon Stafford, clerk, John Farndon, senior, John Farndon, junior, Edward Farndon and many others, of the manor of Wolston, the rectory, tithes etc. - [1692] |
| | | | |  | 11 - Conveyance by lease and release (on payment to Christopher Wright) of a debt of £40 from William Blackhurst of Bretherton, Lancashire, webster and Alice his wife, Thomas Catterell of Brindle, Lancashire, webster and Mary his wife, William Wareing of Brindle, webster and Rachel his wife, and Elizabeth Foster of Brindle, widow [the women being sisters and co-heirs of Richard Duckworth deceased], to Edward Farndon of Wolston, gentleman of a messuage, homestall and Home Close in Wolston and Marston. With an indenture of fine. - 25 Jun 1727-26 Jun 1727 |