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Expand 2 - Documents of Title2 - Documents of Title
Expand 3 - Wills, Settlements and Executorship Papers3 - Wills, Settlements and Executorship Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Collapse 7 - Family And Personal Records7 - Family And Personal Records
Collapse 1 - Correspondence1 - Correspondence
Expand 1 - Boore, W.1 - Boore, W.
Expand 2 - Bromfield, George Henry Worth2 - Bromfield, George Henry Worth
Expand 3 - Bromfield, Miss3 - Bromfield, Miss
Expand 4 - Gibson, Helen Olivier4 - Gibson, Helen Olivier
Expand 5 - Gibson, Henry Olivier Sumner5 - Gibson, Henry Olivier Sumner
Expand 6 - Gibson, Hester Worth (Mrs Harry Olivier, Nee Townsend)6 - Gibson, Hester Worth (Mrs Harry Olivier, Nee Townsend)
Expand 7 - Healy, Charles7 - Healy, Charles
Expand 7a - Healy, Mrs7a - Healy, Mrs
Expand 8 - Olivier, Mary (Miss)8 - Olivier, Mary (Miss)
Expand 9 - Townsend, Adeline (Mrs John Hands, Nee Costeker)9 - Townsend, Adeline (Mrs John Hands, Nee Costeker)
Expand 10 - Townsend, Alice (Miss)10 - Townsend, Alice (Miss)
Expand 11 - Townsend, Anne (Mrs Henry, Nee Worth)11 - Townsend, Anne (Mrs Henry, Nee Worth)
Expand 12 - Townsend, Annie Sara Costeker (Miss)12 - Townsend, Annie Sara Costeker (Miss)
Expand 13 - Townsend, Elizabeth Worth (Miss)13 - Townsend, Elizabeth Worth (Miss)
Expand 14 - Townsend, Henry14 - Townsend, Henry
Expand 15 - Townsend, John Hands15 - Townsend, John Hands
Expand 16 - Townsend, Julia Worth (Miss)16 - Townsend, Julia Worth (Miss)
Expand 17 - Townsend, Marjory Bruce (Miss)17 - Townsend, Marjory Bruce (Miss)
Collapse 18 - Townsend, Mary (Mrs William Henry Worth, Nee Healy)18 - Townsend, Mary (Mrs William Henry Worth, Nee Healy)
1 - Empty envelope addressed to Miss Healy, Barn Hill, Stamford - Mar 1865
2 - Empty envelope addressed to Miss Healy, [c/o] Mr Yeo Esq., Elm Lodge, Lower Streatham, London - 25 Apr 1866
3 - Letter to Mary [Healy] from Pollie Berwick, Brookfield, Gretton - 20 Aug 1866
4 - Empty envelope addressed to Miss Healy, Barn Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire - 13 Oct 1866
5 - Empty envelope addressed to Miss Healy, Barn Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire - 16 Nov 1866
6 - Empty envelope addressed to Miss Healy, Barn Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire - Nov 1866
7 - Letter to Miss Healy ('Mary'), Barn Hill, Stamford from William Henry Worth Townsend, Kings Newnham - 16 Jun 1868
9 - Printed colour Christmas Card sent to Miss Healy, Barn Hill, Stamford - 24 Dec 1868
10 - Letter to Mary [Healy] from William Henry Worth Townsend, Kings Newnham - 31 Aug 1869
11 - Bundle of letters [mainly to Mrs Mary Townsend] - 1860s-1890s
12 - Letter to Mary [Healy] from William Henry Worth Townsend, Kings Newnham - c.1870
13 - Letter to 'My Dear Girl' [Mary Townsend] from Charles Healy, Barn Hill, Stamford - 8 Mar 1870
14 - Letter to 'My Darling Mary' [Townsend] from William Henry Worth Townsend, Kings Newnham - 10 May 1870
15 - Letter to 'My Dear Girl' [Mary Townsend] from Charles Healy, Barn Hill, Stamford - 12 Jun 1870
16 - Letter to Mary [Townsend] from Adeline Costeker, St John's Hill [26 Feb], enclosing wedding invite [5 Apr] - mid 1870s
17 - Letter to Mary from Julia W[orth] T[ownsend], Battersea - 25 Feb 1876
18 - Bundle of letters to Mrs Mary Townsend ('Mother') - 1877-1899
19 - Postcard to Father and Mother, Newnham, Rugby from Henry William Worth Townsend - 12 Sep 1879
20 - Letter to 'Ma' [Mary Townsend] from Henry [Townsend], Manor House, Kings Newnham [23 Jan] - late 1870s
21 - Letter to parent from son H.W.W.T. [Henry William Worth Townsend], Newnham - late 1870s
22 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, Stamford - 6 May 1880
23 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry W.W. Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby - 25 Oct 1880
24 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, Stamford - 10 May 1880
25 - Copy letter to Father and Mother [William and Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend ('first letter from school') - 9 May 1881
26 - Letter to 'My dearest Mary' [Townsend] from William Henry Worth Townsend, Kings Newnham, Rugby - 23 May 1882
27 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [William Worth Townsend], Newlands, Tooting Common - 6 Feb 1884
28 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Mary Bertha Townsend, Kings Newnham - 12 Mar 1884
29 - Letter addressed to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], Manor House - 22 Oct 1886
30 - Bundle of letters to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, Rugby [School] - 1886-1888
31 - Empty envelope addressed to Mrs W.H.W. Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby - Nov 1887
32 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], Stamford - c.1880s
33 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], Manor House, Kings Newnham - c.1880s
34 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], The Manor House, Kings Newnham - c.1880s
35 - Letter to Mamma [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend] - c.1880s
36 - Letter to Mother from Maude [Townsend] - c.1880s
37 - Bundle of children's letters in envelope labelled 'Helen Gibson's letters' - c.1880s-1890s
38 - Letter to Mother from Henry Townsend, Rugby - 21 Jul 1889
39 - Letter in envelope to Mrs W.H.W. Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby ('Cousin Mary') from 'Francie' [Frances Ann Townsend], 68 Queens Gate - 28 Dec 1889
40 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Maude [Townsend], Mayfield, Southgate - 29 Jan 1891
41 - Two letters to Mrs [Mary] Townsend, The Manor House, King's Newnham from Laura K. Lewis, The High House, Winchester - 12 Mar-20 Mar 1891
42 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend], Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, 4 St Andrew's Hill [Cambridge] - 12 May 1891
43 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, 2 Trinity Lane [Cambridge] - 3 Nov 1892
44 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, 2 Trinity Lane [Cambridge] - 8 Nov 1892
45 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, 12 Barton Street, Westminster - 5 Dec 1893
46 - Letter card to Mrs Townsend ('Mother'), Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby, from H[enry W.W.] Townsend, Clare College, Cambridge - 15 Dec 1893
47 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Maude [Townsend], S. Mary's House - 12 Apr 1899
48 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, Weymouth and County Club [Weymouth] - 10 Aug 1899
49 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, Weymouth and County Club, Weymouth - 14 Aug 1899
50 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, Berehaven - 4 Oct 1899
51 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Jupiter, Channel Squadron, Gibralter - 26 Nov 1899
52 - Empty envelope addressed to Mrs [Mary] Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham [from Henry William Worth Townsend], H.M.S. Jupiter - Nov-Dec 1899
53 - Empty envelope addressed to Mrs [Mary] Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham [from Henry William Worth Townsend], H.M.S. Jupiter - Dec 1899
54 - Letter to Mary [Townsend] from Emily W. Bromfield (incomplete) - late 19th century
55 - Colour postcard (printed) showing Statue de Ferdinand de Lesseps and Port Said Vue and Port (Egypt) sent to Mrs Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby from H.W.W.T. [Henry William Worth Townsend] [25 Jan] - early 1900s
56 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, Berehaven - 21 Feb 1900
57 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Jupiter, Berehaven - 15 Mar 1900
58 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], Maison Busby, Nice - 19 Mar 1900
59 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], Hotel de Malte, Mentone - 31 Mar 1900
60 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], Hotel de Malte, Mentone - 3 Apr 1900
61 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Maude [Townsend], Hotel de Malte, Mentone - 6 Apr 1900
62 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Maude and Bertha Townsend, Hotel de Malte - 7 Apr 1900
63 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Maude [Townsend], Hotel de Malte, Mentone - 11 Apr 1900
64 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W. Townsend], United Service Club, Dublin - 12 Apr 1900
65 - Letter to Mother from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, Ulster Club, Belfast - 5 May 1900
66 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry W.W. Townsend, H.M.S. Jupiter, Channel Squadron, Portland - 9 Jul 1900
67 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Jupiter, Berehaven - 11 Nov 1900
68 - Letter to Mrs Townsend ('Mother'), The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Jupiter, Channel Squadron, Arosa Bay - 22 Nov 1900
69 - Postcard to Mrs Townsend ('Mother'), The Manor House, Kings Newnham from H.W.W.T. [Henry William Worth Townsend], Gibraltar - 2 Dec 1900
70 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend], The Manor House, Kings Newnham from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Sheerness - 11 Jan 1901
71 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 17 Jan 1901
72 - Letter to Mrs Townsend ('Mother'), The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, China - 19 Jan 1901
73 - Letter to Mrs Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham, from Henry William Worth Townsend - Feb 1901
74 - Empty envelope addressed to Mrs Townsend - 8 May 1901
75 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Nanking - 14 Jun 1901
76 - Six letters (mainly to Mary Townsend) from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, China and Japan - Jul-Oct 1901
77 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Taku - 5 Oct 1901
78 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 8 Nov 1901
79 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 1 Dec 1901
80 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend], The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, China, Hong Kong - 29 Dec 1901
81 - Letter to Mrs [Mary] Townsend, The Manor House, Kings Newnham, Rugby, from Maggie A. Macphun, Schuckerstrasse 20, Reichenberg, Bohemia [20 May] with letters from E.G. Godfry, Austin Street [Stamford] [22 May 1901 and 16 May 1902] and printed hymn 'Lord, teach me how to trust in Thee' - c.1901-1902
82 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Amoy [Xiamen] - 31 Jan 1902
83 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, China, Amoy [Xiamen] - 1 Mar 1902
84 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, China, Hong Kong - 11 Apr 1902
85 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, Yokohama, Japan - 14 May [1902]
87 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Yokohama - 22 May 1902
88 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim [Chintriang?] ('off Chusan [Zhoushan] Archipeligo') - 24 May 1902
89 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Nagasaki - 8 Jun 1902
90 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Nagasaki - 23 Jun 1902
91 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 7 Sep 1902
92 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [W.W.] Townsend, Hong Kong - 5 Oct 1902
93 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 2 Nov 1902
94 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Singapore - 5 Dec 1902
95 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 4 Jan 1903
96 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Wei Hai Wei [Weihai] - 26 Jan 1903
97 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Wei Hai Wei [Weihai] - 15 Feb 1903
98 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Mirs Bay and Hong Kong - 3 Mar 1903
99 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 13 Mar 1903
100 - Two letters to Mother [Mary Townsend], Elm Cottage, Church Walk, Rugby from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Wei Hai Wei [Weihai], China - 14 May-14 Jun 1903
101 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend], Elm Cottage, Church Walk, Rugby from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Wei Hai Wei [Weihai] - 31 May 1903
102 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Wei Hai Wei [Weihai] - 8 Aug 1903
103 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, China, Wei Hai Wei [Weihai] - 3 Sep 1903
104 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, China, Wei Hai Wei [Weihai] - 13 Sep 1903
105 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Blenheim, Hong Kong - 26 Feb 1904
106 - Letter to Mrs Townsend, Church Walk, Rugby, from Mary Morris, Easton Lodge, Milberton Terrace, Leamington Spa - 22 May 1904
107 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry [William Worth] Townsend, Grosvenor Hotel, London - 29 May 1904
108 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry William Worth Townsend, H.M.S. Patrol, Home Fleet, Chatham - 20 Dec 1905
109 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Bertha [Townsend], Church Walk, Rugby - 17 Feb 1909
110 - Letter to Mother [Mary Townsend] from Henry Townsend, H.M.S. Patrol, Home Fleet, Portsmouth - 9 Apr 1909
Expand 19 - Townsend, Mary Bertha (Miss)19 - Townsend, Mary Bertha (Miss)
Expand 20 - Townsend, Maude Greville (Miss)20 - Townsend, Maude Greville (Miss)
Expand 21 - Townsend, Susan (Miss)21 - Townsend, Susan (Miss)
Expand 22 - Townsend, William Henry Worth22 - Townsend, William Henry Worth
Expand 23 - Townsend, Miss [unspecified]23 - Townsend, Miss [unspecified]
Expand 24 - Townsend, Mrs [unspecified]24 - Townsend, Mrs [unspecified]
Expand 24a - Townsend, Mr and Mrs24a - Townsend, Mr and Mrs
Expand 24b - Worth, Anne24b - Worth, Anne
Expand 25 - Unknown recipients25 - Unknown recipients
Expand 26 - Visiting Cards26 - Visiting Cards
Expand 2 - Photographs2 - Photographs
Expand 3 - Educational Records3 - Educational Records
Expand 4 - Pictorial4 - Pictorial
Expand 5 - Literary5 - Literary
Expand 6 - Memorial and Personal Bequests6 - Memorial and Personal Bequests
Expand 7 - Newspaper Cuttings7 - Newspaper Cuttings
Expand 8 - Accounts8 - Accounts
Expand 9 - Genealogical and Historical Papers9 - Genealogical and Historical Papers
Expand 10 - Other Personal Papers10 - Other Personal Papers
Expand 8 - Official Papers8 - Official Papers
Expand 9 - Other Organisations9 - Other Organisations
Expand 10 - Printed and pictorial Material10 - Printed and pictorial Material
Expand 11 - Packaging11 - Packaging