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Expand 2 - Documents of Title2 - Documents of Title
Expand 3 - Wills, Settlements and Executorship Papers3 - Wills, Settlements and Executorship Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Collapse 7 - Family And Personal Records7 - Family And Personal Records
Expand 1 - Correspondence1 - Correspondence
Expand 2 - Photographs2 - Photographs
Expand 3 - Educational Records3 - Educational Records
Expand 4 - Pictorial4 - Pictorial
Expand 5 - Literary5 - Literary
Expand 6 - Memorial and Personal Bequests6 - Memorial and Personal Bequests
Expand 7 - Newspaper Cuttings7 - Newspaper Cuttings
Expand 8 - Accounts8 - Accounts
Collapse 9 - Genealogical and Historical Papers9 - Genealogical and Historical Papers
1 - Back flyleaf and cover of volume recording births and christenings (with names of sponsors) - c.1830s
2 - Notebook recording epitaphs from tombstones - mid-late 19th century
3 - Loose handwritten notes on memorial tombstones/epitaphs of Robert Anderson (d.1843), Trinity Chapel, Brighton [26 Sep 1852] and epitaphs from John Parson Cook's tombstone at Rugely copied from a Staffordshire Paper [1859] - mid-late 19th century
4 - Notes on tombstones and epitaphs - mid-late 19th century
5 - Notes on epitaphs/memorials of Mary Downing (d.1820) and Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Townsend (d.1783) - mid-late 19th century
6 - Notes of memorial to Thomas Townsend of Clifton, Frances his wife and of William Hands Clke., with list of baptisms, marriages and burials of Townsend family members (18th-19th centuries) - mid-late 19th century
7 - Pencil notes recording memorial inscriptions of members of the Townsend family - mid-late 19th century
8 - Notes on the epitaphs of Mary, wife of William Townsend of Long Lawford (d.1784), William Townsend (d.1789) and William Townsend (d.1777) - mid-late 19th century
9 - Pencil note regarding 'inspeximus and confirmation to Philip la Vache' [25 Apr 2 Rich. II] regarding the manors of Wodestok [Woodstock] and Hanebergh [Hanborough] (Oxfordshire) - mid-late 19th century
10 - Costeker family tree (manuscript) - 19th century
11 - Notebook listing Worth family baptisms [1628-1819], marriages [1632-1862] and burials [1660-1864] at Lawford, with list of children of John Brierly and Elizabeth Hudson (m.7 May 1772) - late 19th century
12 - Manuscript family tree of Thomas Townsend (d.30 Mar 1785) - late 19th century
13 - Manuscript family tree of Thomas Townsend (b.c.1535) - early 20th century
14 - Townsend family tree (photocopied manuscript) - 20th century
15 - Genealogical notes on '"The Horne family The Loud Family The Costeker family" from 1560' and 'a record of the 8 children of Sir William & Lady Carroll' [family tree] - 20th century
16 - Costeker family tree (manuscript) - 1980s-1990s
17 - Family trees of Costeker and Townsend (photocopied manuscript) - 1980s-1990s
18 - Pedigrees in four different hands made early 20th century. - Early 20th century
19 - Extracts from parish registers [place not given, Newnham Regis?] in 2 different hands, 1628-1807, 1660-1871 - late 19th century
20 - Drawing and description of the Worth coat of arms, drawing and [printed] card of the Worth Crest and drawings of three other crests, copper plate of George Worth's crest, manufactured by Hughes and Kimber, Fleet Street, London. - c.1870-1900
Expand 10 - Other Personal Papers10 - Other Personal Papers
Expand 8 - Official Papers8 - Official Papers
Expand 9 - Other Organisations9 - Other Organisations
Expand 10 - Printed and pictorial Material10 - Printed and pictorial Material
Expand 11 - Packaging11 - Packaging