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Collapse 03747 - DOREEN WRIGHT OF LEEK WOOTTON - 1860-201103747 - DOREEN WRIGHT OF LEEK WOOTTON - 1860-2011
Expand 1 - Personal papers - 1912-20111 - Personal papers - 1912-2011
Expand 2 - Financial papers - 1924-19772 - Financial papers - 1924-1977
Expand 3 - Business papers - 1925-19573 - Business papers - 1925-1957
Expand 4 - Genealogy and family history - 1878-20034 - Genealogy and family history - 1878-2003
Collapse 5 - Art & Crafts - 1920-19795 - Art & Crafts - 1920-1979
Expand 1 - Crafts - 1929-19791 - Crafts - 1929-1979
Collapse 2 - Art - 19202 - Art - 1920
Expand 1 - Competition of Industrial Designs, Royal Society of Arts, 1929 - 1920-19291 - Competition of Industrial Designs, Royal Society of Arts, 1929 - 1920-1929
Collapse 2 - Sketches, paintings and prints - 1920-19292 - Sketches, paintings and prints - 1920-1929
1 - Repeating pattern of trees and fence - c. 1920s
2 - Repeating pattern of trees and fence - c. 1920s
3 - Repeating pattern of flowers - c. 1920s
4 - Repeating pattern of flowers - c. 1920s
5 - Repeating pattern of horse chestnuts and leaves - c. 1920s
6 - Repeating pattern of horse chestnuts and leaves - c. 1920s
7 - Repeating pattern of house and trees - c. 1920s
8 - Repeating pattern of house and trees - c. 1920s
9 - Repeating geometric pattern - c. 1920s
10 - Repeating geometric pattern - c. 1920s
11 - Repeating geometric pattern - c. 1920s
12 - Repeating geometric pattern - c. 1920s
13 - Repeating geometric pattern - c. 1920s
14 - Repeating leaf pattern - c. 1920s
15 - Repeating print of a tree - c. 1920s
16 - Repeating design of two figures - c. 1920s
17 - Repeating pattern showing figures dancing - c. 1920s
18 - Watercolour of a cottage with two men working at a cart of hay - c. 1920s
19 - Watercolour of a garden - 20th century
20 - Watercolour of trees - 20th century
21 - Watercolour of Hawker Hurricanes flying in formation - 20th century
22 - Watercolour on board of a loch or bay - 1924
23 - Watercolour of a section of a rug - c. 1920s
24 - Watercolour on board of a landscape - 1924
25 - Watercolour of a mobile - 20th century
26 - Watercolour sketch of a house - c. 1920s
27 - Watercolour sketch "Darning" - c. 1920s
28 - Watercolour sketch of a cherub in a garden - 1924
29 - Pen and watercolour sketch of a bird in flight - c. 1920s
30 - Pen and watercolour sketch of a balloon and newspaper seller outside a park - c. 1920s
31 - Pencil and watercolour sketch of a hay barn - c. 1920s
32 - Watercolour and pencil sketch of a young girl and a lamb - 1924
33 - Pen and watercolour sketch of a figure sat before a half finished canvas - c. 1920s
34 - Painting of a biblical scene - c. 1920s
35 - Paint and crayon sketch of bluebells - c. 1920s
36 - Front elevation of "The Fox and Goose - Luttington-on-the-Rothy. Innkeeper - Noah Boosey" by M D Cooper - c. 1920s
37 - Elevation and plans of "Doorway of No. 35 Great George St., Westminster", M D Cooper - c. 1920s
38 - Front elevation of a garden house in brick - c. 1920s
39 - Study of Garden House in brick - c. 1920s
40 - Print of "Thunderstorm" - c. 1920s
41 - Print of "Thunderstorm" - c. 1920s
42 - Print of "Thunderstorm" - c. 1920s
43 - Pen and chalk sketch of a window - c. 1920s
44 - Ink sketch of two children and two rabbits in a wood - c. 1920s
45 - Pen and ink sketch of a partially clad female figure in front of a fountain - 6 Oct 1925
46 - Pen and ink sketches of bats - c. 1920s
47 - Pen sketch "The Tournament" - 1924
48 - "Rain" - c. 1920s
49 - "Salmon fishing" - c. 1920s
50 - Pencil sketch of nude female figure - 25 Apr 1928
51 - Pencil sketch of a male figure - c. 1920s
52 - Pencil sketch of a female figure with baby in her arms - c. 1920s
53 - Two pencil sketches of work men - c. 1920s
54 - Pencil sketch of a man with a pole - c. 1920s
55 - Sketches of door furniture - Mar 1927
56 - Pencil sketch of a female figure - c. 1920s
57 - Pencil sketch "Salmon Fishing" - 13 Oct 1925
58 - Pencil sketch of a woman - c. 1920s
59 - Sketch of a swan - c. 1920s
60 - Pencil sketch of a face - c. 1920s
61 - Incomplete oil on canvas of a wood or forest - c. 1920s
62 - Hand tinted photograph of a family group - c. 1920s
63 - Print of bird among reeds - c. 1920s
64 - Design for tiles - c. 1929
65 - Samples of handwriting - c. 1920s
66 - Samples of handwriting - c. 1920s
Expand 3 - Printing blocks - 19293 - Printing blocks - 1929
4 - Lecture notes on Gilding - c. 1920s
5 - Class photograph - c. 1920s
Expand 6 - Sports - 1920-19346 - Sports - 1920-1934
Expand 7 - Published and printed material - 1914-20067 - Published and printed material - 1914-2006
Expand 8 - Envelopes and folders used as packaging - 1920-19538 - Envelopes and folders used as packaging - 1920-1953