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Collapse 04510 - HENLEY-IN-ARDEN CHARITIES - 1717-197704510 - HENLEY-IN-ARDEN CHARITIES - 1717-1977
Collapse 1 - Minutes and accounts1 - Minutes and accounts
1 - Minute and account book - 1717-1877
2 - Minute book entitled "General and Randolls Charities Minutes 1878 to 1894". - 1878-1894
3 - Minute book entitled "Henley in Arden Charities Minute Book from 11th December 1894 to May 1930". - 1894-1930
4 - Minute book of trustees of Henley-in-Arden Charities - 1930-1955
5 - Account book entitled "The Reverend Devereux Wilson's Charity". - 1880-1905
6 - Account book for the General Charities, with separate accounts for Frederick Johnson's Almhouses, Devereux Wilson's and Daniel Hopkins' charities - 1904-1923
7 - Account book for Henley Charities : a record of money, coals, etc., distributed. - 1910-1925
8 - Account book for Henley General Charities : record of money, coals, etc., distributed. - 1926-1961
9 - Envelope containing statements of account for Frederick Johnson's Almhouses and the General Charities. - 1923, 1900, 1929
10 - Enevelope entitled "Lancaster's Trust : Circular Letters and Accounts. Randoll's Charity Accounts" - 1931-1936
11 - Folder entitled "Henley-in-Arden Charities. Christmas Donations December 1956 to 1972" (altered to 1974). - 1948-1974
12 - Envelope containing papers respecting the submission of statements of account by charity trustees to the Charity Commissioners. - 1955-1956
13 - Bank pass books in the names of Harry Hawkes and Charles L. Taylor, ? for Henley General Charities. - 1927-1932
14 - Bank pass books for Henley-in-Arden General Charities - 1935-1957
15 - Bank pass book for Henley Charities Educational Account - 1928-1939
16 - Bank pass book for Hopkins' Charity - 1933-1962
17 - Bank pass books for the Frederick Johnson Almshouses - 1905-1962
18 - Bank pass book for Edwins Lancaster's charity - 1935-1958
19 - Bank pass books for William Randoll's charity - 1925-1962
20 - Bank pass book for the Unknown Donor's Charity (No. 181 High St.). - 1960-1973
21 - Bank pass book for the Rev. Devereux Wilson's charity - 1880-1961
22 - Receipt book counterfoils : inside the covers are lists of payees and the amounts owed - 1952-1962
Expand 2 - Folders of correspondence and papers2 - Folders of correspondence and papers